I can cut and paste Walden pond if you want to play the “pre typed” response game
any GDKP with ɨŁĻüŞîòñƤǾǬḨ means ɨŁĻüŞîòñƤǾǬḨ automatically gets the entire pot.
Your welcome to but once you do your not responding to me just spamming as your pre type response dose not address the post that just happened. That dose give something that is reportable.
Does 10char
Same answer
Threats are a violation of TOS
No it’s not again learn to read. A threat is something I’m saying will do to you that never happened.
I told you what would likly happen if you did what you said in the real world which is fact. Never once said would do anything at all to you or have any ability to.
You said irl I could get my butt kicked if I or someone else corrected your spelling and grammar
Sound like a RL threat to me.
A forum break will be good for you.
You get worked up too easily
Yes I said you could not that you would not that I would massive diff.
What I did was a fair warning of what is vary likly to happen doing what you did.
That is not a threat any more than telling you killing someone will result in you going to jail.
It’s a statment of fact not a threat.
It sounding like a threat to you is you as mentioned being unable to read as it’s quite clear.
Calm down bro. I just explained that it’s spelled “does” not “dose”.
You don’t need to beat me up IrL. You have a bad temper.
Once again never said was going to do anything to you in real life but do keep showing you can’t read.
See a “fair warning” sounds an awful lot like a threat. In fact the definition is very similar.
Let’s let the mods decide.
Yes a fair warnign can be the diff comes down in abilty to action it and intent.
Both are clearly lacking.
The statment has no intent to do harm to you only warn you of what can happen.
While lacking any abilty from me to do so and never said was going to.
In fact that comes from the legal definition of a threat. Both elements are required.
at most all they do is delete the gold. and that’s if there is a clear message in-game that states “i will redistribute this gold you are giving me at the end of the run and not steal it for myself” from the person in question.
this has always been their stance on transactions in-game.
Dude. You got worked up over nothing. Just a little playfulness.
You need to move on bro
Haven’t been worked up at all.
We have spent the morning going back and forth trolling each other to kill time that’s not getting worked up it’s in fact the exact opposite. It’s wasting time till work starts.
You dont kmow what you are talking about. Yes bkizz will respond. They do not accept every action between players as up to the players to resolve. Same as if you give mats to another player to craft something for you and that player logs off. Blizz will mail ylur lost mats and that player will be banned.
Never once said they won’t respond do read. Outright said they would respond if reported as a scam. No they will not intervene if you report it as someone stealing a gdkp pot and that’s directly stated by blizzard as shows in a blue post linked above.
If they set the rules in chat they used to take the items or gold away but they wouldn’t distribute it and I don’t think they would ban anyone for ninjaing.
Nowadays I guarantee nothing will happen even if you add the screenshot of the rules in your ticket.