If the nb left the horde, how would you tell that story from gameplay? Would the horde PC burn suramer and start killing nightborne? Would it be in the background? Would the PC side with the nightborne? How do you think NB players would feel going to org when all this is happening?
The issue with the NBs in BfA were systematic of the issues with every other Horde race and Rep that should have had an issue with Teldrassil. They simply were not allowed to have an opinion on the topic, plain and simple. Bluntly, the only reason people fixate on the NBs more is because the Alliance ignored the relationship between the NBs and NEs (and NBs and BEs) in Legion; and adamantly believed the NBs should have gone to the Alliance.
Also, why exactly should the NBs really care about Teldrassil more than any other Horde race that should have been allowed to take a stand against Sylvie when she torched it? Because it was filled with NEs? A group of people who held so much contempt for the culture of the Kaldorei Empire that they held a 10k year old execution order for any elf practicing the Arcane? The very culture that the NBs are a living relic of? Even Nordrassil did not exist when the NBs went into seclusion, do you really think the gravitas of Teldrassil is going to resonate?
Well the answer is you mechanically cant. The same reason the Horde couldn’t kick out the Forsaken when they went full Scourge 2.0 after Cata, is the same reason you cant have the Nightborne leave the Horde after they joined and became playable.
Well how you know some of the issues that blizzard has with the playerbase, they want things that is impossible. Same reason why I dont like more faction wars, or blight or things like that, I really dont want another story that I have overlook how it should really go, cause the game wont allow it to go naturally, cause if the game wasnt holding the story back, the horde wouldnt exist right now.
btw I dont mean the alliance would destroy the horde, I mean that the horde members would leave the horde
They really did not join under Sylvannas. They actually joined because of Liadrin who was the front spokesperson for the Horde at Suramar. Liadrin got a lot of help in her recruitment drive from Tyrande, of course.
Funny thing about the Horde ARs … none of them join because of Sylvie. She actually uses the reputation of the Horde champion and the Rep of a race each AR gets along with most to draw them in. She was worthless in their recruitment … she just exploited it.
As a side note, the reason why all the Horde ARs are staying with the Horde after the Blood War is simple. Because, the core of the Faction was weakened enough to make far more room at the new Council Table than any of these races could hope to get on the Alliance. The Nightborne and Vulpera especially have been given the unique opportunity to actually help decide the course of one of the Worlds Two Superpowers. That sort of opportunity may be lost on Blizzard, but conceptually … it is an opportunity that the ARs shouldn’t discard easily.
Agreed. But the fact that we have to say “well they only stayed because of Meta reasons” is crap. Point blank. I don’t disagree that they fit better in the Horde.
I disagree with the notion that things should get shoehorned into place to fit when they wouldn’t in any rational, sensible narrative sequencing.
And yet the ARs on the Alliance conceptually will never have the political authority the Core Races do; or at least they shouldn’t. The Alliance has never suffered a loss as a faction sufficient enough to dislodge the massive political entrenchment of those founding races. So, in order for the ARs to get a “equal seat” at the council of the Alliance … really it just relies on the Alliance races being their normal “perfect” selves as always. It also helps that the ARs of the Alliance have Firmly Established Alliance characters leading every single one of them.
The VEs have Alleria; the LF have Turalyon; the Dark Irons have Moira; the Kul Tirans have Jaina; the Junkers have Gelbin. Nearly every Horde AR leader is someone new, that doesn’t hold that clout. And with the Horde as “torn down to its foundations” as it is right now … those Horde ARs do have a chance to obtain more political presence in the world then they ever thought possible.
Teldrassil was functionally the Horde’s Vindecaar. It was something Blizz saw as inconvenient to write around for the Horde narrative, because the Horde narrative was merely a vehicle to push Sylvie’s character arc; and set up Shadowlands. The NBs staying in the Horde doesn’t really bother me if only because they are one symptom of a much bigger problem with the writing of the Horde in BfA; a symptom that had spread like a contagion into every single other Horde Race and Rep that should have been allowed to have a problem with Teldrassil.
No it wouldn’t there was no reason for most of the ARs, tauren, belves, and others to stay with sylvanas the moment teld happened. They should have left and joined the alliance or make there own horde
The tauren and the blood elves, especially the latter have been long time enemies of the Night Elves. The Tauren have their territories south of the Kal’dorei. Leaving the Horde would have them facing Kal’dorei vengeance on their own.
The Blood Elves have endured a sustained series of sabotage attacks from the Night Elves for a nontrivial length of time. They’re not going to play nice with them now. and many like Lorash were no doubt, quite happy to see the Night Elves suffer under Sylvannas the way they suffered from Arthas. Misery loves company, especially if it comes in the form of payback.
That last line is particularly interesting considering how many Kael parallels Tyrande currently has. She also has a ton of Liadrin parallels too. I guess we’ll see which one she follows in the footsteps of in Shadowlands?
So what? I could have made videos of how many times my Blood Elf was killed by Night Elf Sentinels invading Quel’thelas.
Liadrin to Thylassra regarding Tyrande. " Lady Liadrin: The Sin’dorei are also scorned by Tyrande and her prideful lot. Yet for many ages her people slept in dens and hid in trees while my people fought to save this world.