How Many Times Were You Killed By 'Stitches' In Duskwood?

Looking forward to meeting Stitches and all his friends the way they are SUPPOSED to be

Let’s see. Dec 2004 wandered from tirisfal glades into the bulwark. Bear from Plaguelands stomped me.

Sons of Aurugal were sneaky pitas .

Mor’Ladim , yeag.

Stitches only when I tried to help some guards.

Duskwood is one of the main reasons why i kept re-rolling. That and the Barrens are my main sources for classic excitement

This guy! Lol… he seemed to be so dang quiet, too! One moment you’re minding your own business killing mobs, then next you’re squishy Dino. toe juice. He’s definitely another that was epic at scaring the skin off me :+1::ghost:

Editing: forgot to click little Chat bubble icon in Reply window ( regarding Un’goro sneaky elite Dino)!

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Moonblade, he really was like today’s “World Bosses”. I mentioned Nathanos earlier in this thread, too, saying how fun it was to gather raid amounts of people in order to kill him. Felt so epic. Then we’d sometimes all head over to Andorhall in WPL and kill the elite mob there, I forget what her(?) name was. Great times!

+1 (I ran out of Likes. Can’t Like for another 30 minutes… I hope Blizzard removes restriction amounts on Likes we can give out)

Not even once. Cause all my characters in classic were on kalimdor.

And because you can, you never stop to think if you should or not.

Pretty sure you’re making an assumption you can’t prove.

None. I rarely died outside of instances in Vanilla. It was easy compared to other MMOs I played before it.

I remember having a good laugh when another of my friends started playing wow and I was with him and my roommate at the time in Elwynn forest and he ran across the river into Duskwood. My roommate was telling him “stop, no, bad!” Just as he got eaten by a skull level spider.

A handful of times, but Stitches patrol is pretty obvious. I was killed way more by Teremus the black dragon in Blasted Lands who circled the zone.

You know, my memory is fuzzy… I seem to remember running into him as a level 20ish in duskwood. But then wasn’t he only summonable via a non-repeatable quest? If so… how come he ALWAYS seems to be lurking around?

Stitches was a level 55 elite masquerading as a level 35 elite. It was easy to avoid him once you learned what the yells meant, but if you happened to be running in between when they went off, sucks to be you. I’ve seen level 60 characters die to Stitches, though they probably weren’t very well geared. Mor’Ladim was less of a problem because you could see where he was and patrolled.

Hah that’s awesome!
Late reply cus bugged forums. I was not able to log in since freakin thanksgiving.

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Once or twice. It was fairly easy to spot an abomination shambling along the road in time to move out of the way.

Mor’Ladim resembled an ordinary skeletal raider enough to fool me when I was new and that’s how he got me multiple times.

Stitches gave me nightmares. I can still remember him chasing me down and squishing me like a bug when i first started exploring Duskwood.

Yes Devilsaur

Stiches was always a bit of fun! I think I only died a couple of times maybe from him, generally at a time when I was already distracted and/or running from something.

I have to agree Mor’Ladim was the worst - for reasons already mentioned. He was hidden in a skeleton-packed area and wasn’t always easy to see until he attacked. Even if you tried running away you would often get picked off by one of the spiders outside the graveyard!

Too many to count, but was much fun. Guild would go after him sometimes. Dying in the open world; it will be fun watching folks react.

Died a couple of times to Stitches. Those that don’t know the story, you have to realize that he was a very strong elite level 35, and most of the players where in the mid-20s to low 30. Even if you were a level 34-35, that didn’t make any difference.

I still have one or two characters who got his femur as a reward for killing him

The enemy that scare me more was in Outland, when you were questing near the Cenerian Expedition, where all those pigs were. And then Fel Reaver would sneak up behind you. You couldn’t hear him from far away, and that made him so dangerous. When you heard his footsteps, he was almost right behind you, and often it was too late. He’s still there, level 70 elite.