How Many Times Were You Killed By 'Stitches' In Duskwood?

Of all the zones in original WoW, I would have to say that Duskwood was the scariest place. I lost count of the times that I was running down the road, headed toward Darkshire, when STITCHES would come from nowhere and hit me so hard and I had no chance of surviving alone. He was only level 35 elite I think, but back then, he killed many a player and he was like ‘Jason’ on a ‘Friday the 13th’ movie! That zone always scared the stuffin’ out of me! Anyone else?


I never had a problem with Stitches, it was Mor’ladim that always got me.


Wasn’t there an elite dino in like ungo crater?


That was the first free roaming elite I ever encountered in the world (the dino). Scared the piss out of me from behind.


Stitches is a more authentic badass mob than any one hundred story tall dinosaur in BFA.


Stitches is the iconic classic experience.


this is what i was thinking.


As a Horde, I don’t think Stitches ever killed me.

That being said, the Sons of Argul in Silverpine get me once per character it seems. Sneaky little jerks… Devilsaur also have a tendency to sneak up on you better than most rogues, but by that time I’d usually have the tools to deal with the situation better (as a lock have my pet take one for the team while I run, or as a Rogue simply vanish)


The Devilsaur is a more authentic and badass mob than any one hundred story tall “dinosaur” in BFA


Stitches killed me a few times, can’t remember exactly how many, but every time I encountered him he scared me to death, I guess quite literally :laughing:

I’ve mentioned it before, but Duskwood will always be my favorite area, because of it’s spookyness. Great lore there, too, in a lot of quests.

Mor’ladim got me several times, too. Frightening, fun times! Can’t wait to be chased down by them again lol. Both of them, especially Stitches, hit incredibly hard back then.

This is off topic, but another spooky, dangerous area for me was Eastern Plaquelands. I remember some epic times there, where many of us would group up in a raid and kill Nathanos and his spooky Blighthounds at Marris Stead. It took a lot of people back then! :+1:


I don’t remember him killing me by randomly running in to him. I think the only time I got killed by him was when I foolishly though I could take him with the help of some of the guards by the road.

As was stated before though Mor Ladim was a much worse threat to me.

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Sent chills down my spine when I’d see Stitches /yelling in the General chat of Duskwood! You new he was on the rampage somewhere en route to Darkshire lol.

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I only ever died to stitches once that I can recall with clarity. May have been more not sure. The 1 time I remember was 1st time I went to Duskwood and was going down the road and there came Stiches. I distinctly remember thinking “I got this.” I did not have it. I tried running away far too late and died.


Oo stitches…to many times you have killed me.
This time, you will be mine… or ours.

Recruiting for classic : classicwowlifers dot com

Yea. Half of them were elite. There was a rare that was also elite.

It was actually kind of funny. There used to be a screenshot contest in the game and Blizzard specifically asked people to stop sending screenshots of them being chased by that thing like in Jurassic Park.


Stitches was never an issue for me mainly because it usually have a predictable path.
Devilsaurs was the bane of my life back then. Had a few epic moments with a devilsaur while on the hunter class quest.

he got me a few times lol. i remember when he showed up once- we put together a small group and were determined to kill him. we had a few deaths but we were able to kill him. with the help of the town folks of course lol. that was my best memory of him.

The only pve npc i revenge killed more than Mr. Ladim was Nathonos in the plague lands.

Stitches was a behchez I remember my first encounter was passing into him while a group was beating him down.

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Ahh yes revenge killing npcs.

As for stitches, he got me a few times, then curiosity would run afoot and I’d be kiting him in circles around town to get guards to kill him.
Mor’Ladim got me a bit too usually not paying attention and BAM here he comes running.

One of my funniest times though if you want to talk about duskwood. When I was straight up noob, lvl 8 mage, I saw the river between Elwyn and Duskwood. I went there and noticed the wolves levels were Skulls. I instantly thought they were special mobs or something and tried messing with them lol.

As for elite/rares that got me.
“Oooo what is this special item?! Blood of Fallen Heroes?!” Two elite undead spawn. Dead hunter.

As for my revenge killing a NPC… you will not believe this one haha.
There was a lvl 6-8 bear that would chill close to a quest giver in Elwyn forest. My very first char the mage died to that bear a few times cus he always came out of no where and surprised the noob mage me.