How many people will only be playing Classic?

I wish Blizzard was thinking that way. But if you read what Ythisens posted, it sounds like they don’t care about those of us who would rather have a separated sub.

Yes, they internally look at metrics, but who believes they’re going to admit what number play only WOW: Classic? My expectation is we’ll see a little bragging about how many people came back for Classic, but also downloaded and logged into Retail (because the flip side of those of us who aren’t sure we want to pay a Retail sub to get access are those who figure that because they paid they might as well try Retail.)

EDIT: Oh, and yes, I’m one who is only interested in playing WOW: Classic. The desire to go mess around on alts in Retail (with no BfA) “because I’m paying for it anyway” will be there, but I’m not going to give Blizzard that satisfaction.