How many of you will play on fresh servers if they come out?

I will 100% play classic fresh even with no changes from last time. Although, I would love to see some quality of life changes like dual spec and more user friendly and undispellable world buffs. I also look forward to them possibly completely starting over with a new Classic+ eventually.

no, we are not adding dual spec to vanilla. go away

out of legit curiosity, no trolling no memeing, why is dual spec such a bad thing?


The #nochanges crowd would say itā€™s not ā€˜Vanilla enoughā€™ the classes who do not have much use or need for duel spec would say this as well but any healer / tanking class will GREATLY desire to have a way to change spec more easily.

It is important to have a good spec and get a role you want to be and stick with it. Creating a scenario that for a raid your Holy Priest healer needs to farm demonic runes x20 and they just canā€™t survive out in a PvP world (dying slowly is still dyingā€¦ itā€™s just the worst way to go about it)

On the positive side: Duel wielding (if done right) in my opinion is actually something worth considering among a basket of other possibilities for a variation of Classic.
(remove debuff cap on boss raids, give bosses new mechanics (randomized: sometimes they do them sometimes they donā€™t. the mechanic happens for that instance till reset) increase boss health make them hit harder. (forcing removal of meme duel wielding tanks etc)

But also this makes gear / loot drops up for grabs. For example the healer druid rolling ā€˜needā€™ on +dmg/spell items because of their 2nd spec is boomkin ā€œmightā€ upset the mages who are also rolling on those items (as their ONLY spec)

Duel Talent COULD be done right if the cost of acquiring it was fairly highā€¦ say 100g - 500g (it should be ā€˜hard to getā€™ but not ā€œimpossibleā€ to get like the cost of epic mount. Players who NEED the duel talent specialization are usually the hybrid classes that COULD be any number of roles or variations of their spec (example Feral druid could Tank or Kitty DPS and both require VERY different talents in the SAME tree!) AND ARE USUALLY POOR because they end up as healers *Pally another example

Choosing talent points should be something you think through carefully and it should hurt if you have to change spec. Duel talent if implemented should also have a rising cost of changing it exactly the same as normal talents. You should have to settle in on yourā€™ mainā€™ spec and your ā€˜altā€™ spec (maximum of 2 options) and if you decide to change later it should be capped at 50g (for either one you want to change)

It could be done. It could be done well. It is one of those non game breaking changes that is a fairly harmless alterationā€¦ but that becomes a slippery slopeā€¦ I wouldnā€™t want meeting stones in front of instances to become summoning portal stonesā€¦ it changes the travel, world pvp, interactions, makes warlocks advantage muteā€¦ long story short the butterfly effect is why No we should not have Dual Talentā€¦ and the ā€œme too, me too, I want one tooā€ where everyone gets a little bit and everything is just a mess.

Ill play until the bots and gold buyers ruin the game again, should be a fun month. I dont see it running past 2.


Itā€™s just the toxic #nochanges mentality. Most of these people wonā€™t even make it to level 60 let alone play until the end of the server. Dual Spec will consistently open up more aspects of the game to players which allows them to play more. Thereā€™s literally no real drawbacks. Itā€™s a quality of life change that would have been in the original game if they had time to design it then.

The person above me mentioned scenarios for classes who can play multiple roles; that will mostly allow them to fill in needed roles for small groups on the fly. For myself, I primarily play two classes whose PvE and PvP specs are vastly different. I love to PvP, and I ranked one character to 14 and one to 12. After I ranked, I never played another BG with my friends because I didnā€™t want to go through the hassle of respeccing back and forth and having to completely change my bars.


There is no legitimate or rpg reasoning for having dual spec.

And this right here was meant to be a rpg, hence the mmorpg tag. If the original designers wanted all classes to be able to flip a switch on the fly to change their entire training, they would have put it in there. After all you could do it at class trainers. It came into the game purely to appease entitled whining of those who did not want to spend money for it.

Classes with the ability to heal or tank or dps can do all of those things regardless of spec, just not optimally. A large part is carrying that roles gear. Put on your big boy pants, spec intelligently, and you can fill all of the roles of your class. Sorry that you wonā€™t be able to do that in a most min max sweaty way, but again this is a rpg, and choices should matter.


Other than the fact that it was an intended game mechanic.

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i feel that there are few changes that could be added to make classic better; however, i donā€™t believe dual spec to be one of them.

before dual spec you had an identity that really builds into the rpg side of the game.

also, all this would do is have many guilds requiring specific min max pve specs and youā€™d be in the same boat.

Thatā€™s not true at all. You seem to have a complete lack of understanding regarding game development. They simply didnā€™t have time to implement everything that they wanted to. There was so much more they planned to do in vanilla but couldnā€™t.

They added in quality of life changes like dual spec and instant mail when they finally did have time. And Iā€™m not sure if youā€™re aware of this, but retail is also an MMORPG, so that entire argument is invalid.


A: gonna need you to cite your source that it was an intended game mechanic in vanilla



rpg reasoning

I am not at all shocked that yet another character is claiming that blizzard wanted it in vanilla, but just couldnā€™t figure it outā€¦ with zero source.

Also laughing my butt off that you are comparing the vanilla apple to the retail orange, and referring to retail as a MMORPG. But hey, itā€™s you, and you will attempt anything to justify your desire for quality of life garbage.

Iā€™m not claiming they wanted to implement that specific feature. Iā€™m refuting your claim that vanilla was a completely finished product and that anything not originally in it is ā€œproofā€ that they didnā€™t want it to be. Thatā€™s extremely naive.

They literally built Molten Core in one weekend just to add an extra raid. You claiming that any ā€œlegitimate RPGā€ shouldnā€™t have that feature in the game is a valid reason to compare it to another MMORPG (retail WoW). How about FFXIV where you can literally change your entire class with a press of a button? Iā€™m guessing in your expert opinion that isnā€™t an MMORPG either. Youā€™re a joke.


Ill make a new toon for sure

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If your guild doesnā€™t already require you to have specific min/max PvE specs, why would dual specs suddenly change that? It wouldnā€™t. You have to put a lot more effort into playing a secondary role in a raid than just speccing properly. So the only people who would benefit from it are the people who were going to do it dual spec or not.

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The fact that it was allowed at all. Class balancing is a thing.

Great point I did miss this in my post. And yes this is SO important! As a druid I pretty much MUST take Feral charge for any pvp scenario and that means I cannot get all the points I need to be a 100% healer or 100% boomkin and Iā€™m constantly forced to siphon points away from damage so that my healing for the guild is not so lackluster. Using completely different gear sets helps a bunch but it does not adequately compensate for missing ā€œMUST HAVEā€ spells that are only acquired through talent selection.

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I would think that this statement is purely based from the perspective of the class that you choose to play. Some classes have much greater justifications for their reasoning to have a Dual Spec

And thatā€™s ā€˜greatā€™ and all but because of the incredibly time commitment to level 1-60 and then to grind the gear needed to be competitive in any sort of Raid / PvP scenario it makes sense to reward the lvl 60 who has farmed sayā€¦ 100g up to 500g to ā€˜buyā€™ his dual spec ability. Time is valuable. Dual spec if ā€˜earnedā€™ if not easily flappable in PvP scenario (mage farming in AoE specā€¦ gets attacked by rogueā€¦ is out of combat long enough to quick flip the switch and change to his PvP spec and pew pew the PvP attackerā€¦ then flip switch and go back to AoE farm specā€¦ yeah maybe make it doable only from a trainer)

And I donā€™t really get the ā€˜guilds requiringā€™ ā€¦ you are your own person. play the game how YOU want to play the game. Make your own guild if all others are this toxic mess that youā€™re describing.

I have one month left on my sub and Iā€™m done unless they make serious changes. I honestly really doubt they will though. They outright refuse to fix a Tempest Keep bug and even though iā€™m not playing TBC that was concerningā€¦


Where did I make any such claim?