How many of you will play on fresh servers if they come out?

As someone else posted, McDonald’s gets more business than Ruth’s Chris. That does not mean McDonald’s is better or higher quality. More people play retail than classic. That does not prove retail, or the changes from vanilla are remotely “good”, but only cater to the lowest common slob.

You do not need to be Prot Spec for any dungeon… Or even Holy speced. I’ve done both without being either.


but you have to be if you want to do everything as quickly and efficiently as possible. and we are all entitled to perfect optimization in everything we do :roll_eyes:


i have done this as well, u really need to only respec into prot around ST and up

That is incorrect. The intent of the developers was pretty clear: create a museum piece. Obviously they could not get away with 100% given it’s on modern engine etc. We see that now with the hunter macro in TBC and other examples. But the guiding principle was very clear.

That changed with the chronoboon. So the writing is on the wall. What types of changes they make who knows. Dual spec is an interesting one. It’s really a qol change. Comes in much more handy in TBC imo. New content/classes on the other hand- I think that’s not happening although interesting idea.


Lol! This probably won’t be going away.

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The reason your TBC realm was empty was simply due not having any new TBC realms, but old Vanilla realms transitioning into TBC. Everyone just moved his or her level 60 in full Naxx to TBC, that´s why you did not meet anyone.

This has nothing to do with classic era realms, however, they are very well crowded now and you can group at any given time during day and even at night some nightcrawlers are around.

It was a big mistake to release TBC not as a new game with brand new realms, this has been discussed many times and I fully agree with that. Classic era as it is right now, is very fun though and if you want to play through Vanilla you should make a char there or join one of the many reroll projects.

Just tried testing this on Faerlina classic era.

/who Elwynn Forest

3 players

/who Westfall

1 player (a level 60)

/who Scarlet Monastery

0 players

/who Stranglethorn Vale

1 player

/who 60

38 players

That seems pretty damn depressing to start a character. I’ll pass.


mass wipe everyone’s characters on wow classic era, and tbc. wipe ah and banks. start off p1, then go into p2,p3. that should give blizzard enuff time to come out with classic content for end game


illogical assumption

So we DONT need PvE gear? or we DONT need PvP gear? you must ‘pick’ either Raiding or Battle grounds because that’s what the game was designed for?

A player is not allowed to enter into a BG if they have ever raided
likewise a player is not eligible to enter any instance because they did a pvp match… it’s about choices. obviously. Because that is what this game was designed to be…
if that was true at all I would say hmmwell maybe Pastafarian is ‘right’ because that is the way the game was designed… but it wasn’t designed so that you have to ‘choose’ pvp or pve Dual talent was simply not included because of programing reasons and it would have been had they been able to include it in the game (which they did later) Ahh ok I get it now

Seriously you completely miss the entire point. You must be a Main Tank for a PvE Raiding guild that only plays on PvE servers and have never had to fight Horde not once.

Your attacks are ad hominem and you didn’t even respond to what I was saying.

We could be friends in this forum. You from time to time come up with some nice points. In this post you’re just being a jerk

Integrity: Steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code. This is an online game. There is nothing immoral or demonic about having dual talent in Vanilla IF we are going to have Vanilla with Sprinkles.

chill out. go back and actually read what I said and stop spazzing out

What is this even? Did I somehow give the impression that collecting gear for different chores was a Bad Thing? Are you seriously equating collecting different gear with a switch to automatically flip between optimal talent builds?

What on earth is this argument tact?

You gave the impression that spending talents for different choirs is a bad thing.
It’s not bad. Solution. Dual Talent. (if there the server is #somechanges, this is a good one every bit as needed as the ‘no buffs in raids’ cry)

I’ll start taking anything Pastafarian says if they say something about chronoboon being more dangerous for classic over duel spec. You took a moment of “greatness” for something else when you deemed it worthy. That’s more RP breaking over someone being able to play two different styles, which makes way more sense in an RPG.

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Chronoboon was blizzard just reinforcing WB meta, and coddling those that practice it, while ignoring the case that WBs weaken the content.

Both chronoboon/WBs and dual spec are garbage crutches. I have never supported WBs in raids, much less chronoboon.

One is a desire to remove a crutch, while the other is a desire to add a crutch. Both crutches weaken the content and design.


There is a group of us that are going to run HC on the fresh server so you will at least see a ton of us running around in the low to mid level areas. But we kind of don’t interact with the rest of the realm for the most part.

Still there will be bodies running about for certain.


OK, and blizzard has always catered to those kind of players, why do you think there’s an in-game quest helper, dungeon journal/map, boss alerts, LFG/LFD? Shall I go on? You are arguing against something that you use through a third party source, mindboggling and idiotic.


What third party source are WBs and Dual Spec from? Yeah, I get that blizzard has a long history of watering down games to cater to the lowest common denominator. Are you suggesting that is reason to not push back against it, and just let it happen?

You get notifications for WBs and what layers they are on, with a set timer so you can try and get it. And the fact that you wont acknowledge other things that I have stated proves one thing, you are a hypocrite on what things you like and dislike.

You are trying to bring up a feature that you happen to disagree with duel spec, which there is no third party source for, because if there was, it would be a hack. The current player base plays vastly different from how they used to play, which require changes, modern day problems require modern day solutions. If people want to spend gold for a duel spec to have free range to play how they want, sounds like a positive to me, not a negative.

Those saying “it ruins immersion” or character Identity, it doesn’t. My Character Identity is in my class, not a spec. Same holds true for a warrior, paladin, druid, priest, etc. If you want to play one spec, cool, more power to you. But unlike you, I like to play differently almost all the time, I like to experiment and refine “Fun” builds. That’s how RPG’s work, character progression, not gear progression that just happens to be a bonus.


yes it does.

mine is my spec.

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