How many of you will actually stop playing retail WoW?

The last expansion feels like a steam early access quality game, at least at launch. I stopped giving money to blizz for undercooked products. Otherwise it wont stop.

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If you think Classic is going to have more subs than Modern WoW in the long-term, I’ve got news for you. If you somehow have a better idea of how to make money than Blizzard does, you should apply for a job there.

I don’t play now and haven’ been. I leveled up. I was wondering why people had a server appended to their name. Then I wanted to see which guilds had the best gear. Except no one was around and the people I did see had all their gear transmogged. Everyone was the same. A played some RBGs with my friends, then quit a few months in because I was bored to tears. RBGs were fun though. That’s only part I miss.

I forget which xpac.

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I unsubbed like a week in to BFA, I was considering it for some time prior to that, but BFA tipped me over the edge.

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Amen brother. Well said.

I’ve played wow off and on with a group of about 10 friends.

All of us have quit during various expansions beginning with MoP. The reasons have been many but most of all, the game just keeps feeling smaller and smaller and it keeps changing into something we didnt really enjoy. The last of this group quit during Legion while I have been gone since MoP.

All 10 of us are primed and ready to go for classic wow. Why?

  1. Need for large guilds = massive sense of community and rivalry
  2. No flying mounts = world pvp, whether we want it or not and that threat/thrill adds to the experience
  3. Expansion-long raid relevancy, no raid aside from AQ20 will ever become obsolete at any point during classic.
  4. Unique Class Design - Yes its faulty, its not balanced, but its fun as hell.
  5. The Gear Chase, I already have a few of these players, who have never played vanilla but have watched videos from some of the private servers and the WoW demo planning out their characters for pvp and pve viability and looking forward to getting the gear they want. (My roomie is going shaman and wants that HoR for enhance pvp, but he’ll play resto in PvE and hes already mapping out strategies to fund the hammer).

Live just doesnt have that excitement anymore. LFD, LFR, Sharding, Warmode Option, Obsolete raid tiers, mythic dungeons, AP grinding, useless professions, transmog, titles, god knows how many mounts and pets. All these changes and more have just reduced the excitement of playing the game. There’s no community anymore and there’s no drive (at least, for us).

:100: :100: :100: :100:


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I have already stopped and never going back.


I wouldn’t touch retail with a 10 ft pole man.


Already stopped.

If blizzard doesn’t mess classic up ill be back for classic.


I will be focusing on Classic wow



I will most likely play classic for PvE and retail for PvP

I’m playing Current WoW for one reason: to support Blizzard for making Classic.

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I’ve stopped paying for retail. Too much has been removed and/or made redundant. I can’t play the game how I want to any more. There’s still a lot I want to do in the game, but it’s not worth paying for when it’s in such a broken state. When Classic comes out and I sub for that I will definitely play retail on the side. I just don’t see retail being worth my money any time soon.

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I stopped playing retail mid-MoP. Came back for one month at the beginning of WoD, then came back late legion for a few months (I honestly enjoyed the different class halls), then my sub ran out three weeks after BfA launched. I’ll be playing retail more once classic comes out just so I can hang out with old friends every once in awhile, but at the same time, I won’t really be playing.

Not currently subbed, will resub for classic tho ofc

I will play both cus why not. Playing classic and taking long periods to level in a harder environment sounds like a good way to pass time during end game downtime

I haven’t been subbed for quite a while.
So yea.

I bought BFA during Legion for the boost…haven’t logged 1 minute in it since it was released.

I’m not excluding future expacs, but I’m not playing BFA, whether I have a sub to classic or not.

Like many on here I don’t play retail right now. I really liked Legion but after hearing a lot of grumblings about BFA I waited to buy the expansion. Glad I did. I hate the story line. I think it’s regurgitated story from Mists and again focuses on horde. I play horde and was really pissed about the story arc. If the gameplay was great I might actually over-look all that. But it’s not.
FIrst expansion I have not bought and won’t unless it’s on sale and 8.2 is much much better.
/end rant.

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