How many of you will actually stop playing retail WoW?

I have come back on the initial release of each expansion. Since WoD i have unsubbed within the first month. I would usually try to come back after big patches and realize its still not what i want. Since Blizzcon i have just stuck to playing NHL on my xbox. I am patiently waiting for the summer hoping that they don’t screw it up.

Considering most days I log into BFA I only play for about 10 minutes, with an hour or two on resets, I don’t see why not. Doesn’t take much to keep your character up to date on BFA; instead of grinding out achievements or mounts or alts or whatever on BFA, I can roll an “alt” that I play 90% of my time on and actually be engaged

I already stopped playing retail… Gonna try classic when and if it drops before I die

I resubbed to check out BfA with some friends a few months ago. The only thing I enjoyed was spamming the bejesus out of Greater Pyroblast, so that didn’t last long.

I will quit retail.

I am tired of the go-nowhere item-level farming based daily “here do this” type stuff. Where every 2 months your gear is obsolete… Back in vanilla. I had a mage in blues all the way through the end of pvp season when i finally got the epic armor at the very last week and STILL was a contender… Now in pvp highest item level wins, hands down. Its not even amusing anymore.

I want to be able to gear up once… A raid tier… and be happy helping OTHER people then get their gear. With being able to pick up blue pvp gear and fight people in epics… To be able to farm something and KNOW you’re going to get the item you need AS you need it and not be having to hope for a titanforge/socket/affix whatever the F.

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Not sure if this was meant to be a troll thread (because since announcement it’s been about classic vs. retail for some people), but I’m not going to stop playing. All my achievements, pets, mogs, pets, mounts, are all in retail.

Classic, for me, is a different game which I would love to get back to, and finish up things I didn’t have time to finish.

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If you just wanted to support them, you’d sub and not bother logging on.

I’ll probably play Classic as a side project, and re-create my Warrior, my first toon that I leveled from 1-60. Except this time I won’t level him as Prot because I know better.

No. I don’t believe it’s me.

The problem I’m talking about is that you used to be able to make a name for yourself by doing something big or being really good at something… with the focus shifted to cross realm as opposed to single server your ability to stand out is really watered down.

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I’ll probably give the expansion after BFA a try, but I honestly cant see myself ever playing the modern form of WoW any serious amount ever again. It just isnt a good game anymore.


Well I guess one of the good things about retail is you don’t need to play seriously anymore. And from what I can tell about GD if you’re Alliance you can’t really play it seriously anyways.

Honestly? I’ll play both I’ll wager.

I say wager because who knows what my opinion of “retail” will be in the summer.

In practice, I bet we’ll see a lot of guilds with off day raiding to accommodate retail players though.

It really depends. I play WoW at least 50% for the people I play with. If I find an amazing group to play with on Classic, I could see that hurting my retail engagement. If not, I might play both equally. If I really don’t like the classic implementation for some reason, well… who knows.

Retail has to be at its lowest sub number ever.

I’d bet my left gonad it will. Retail has been tanking for years. (Note i said tanking not dying like the other doomsayers) Another 6 months of the current state of BfA and all but the hardcore players will be gone. There’s only so many times you can spoon feed a baby before it learns to eat for itself. People are already bored of the circle of endless world quests and the RNG that comes with end game content. If there was no money to be made in Classic Actiblizzard simply wouldn’t do it. Activision especially have made it abundantly clear over the last 10 years unless there’s money involved they want nothing to do with it. 6 Months after the release of classic there’ll be twice the number playing than there are in retail. And hopefully with all those Extra subscriptions for classic they’ll pick up (with little to no maintenance on classic servers) they’ll reinvest that into live in hope they can save some face. Which i hope they do because wow doesn’t deserve to go out like this.


Nothing in the post will ever convince me that farming Azerite is funner than anything in classic. :stuck_out_tongue:


Liquidating assets, should have a few years worth of sub in tokens for classic. Otherwise i quit awhile ago, even tho im subbed.

Letting this month run out till classic.

I’ve been subbed since Vanilla until this last October. Done with retail regardless of Classic. That being said, I can’t wait for this Summer.

I stopped playing for a long time. Took a break from Cata until now, got the itch to play. Got into a few dungeons and when I saw tanks going non-stop and pulling everything because they have heirloom gear and I don’t and I couldn’t keep up; then they have the audacity to get mad at me because they want to try and tank the entire dungeon at once and expect to be healed through it, I just gave up again. I don’t need that kind of stress in my life, nor annoyance.

Cant wait until Classic. We may still have those kind of people, but at least I wont feel like i’m handicapped.

will play both for different reasons. different games that scratch different itches.

As long as both cost one token I will probably play both. Then it’ll just depend how bad one or the other is.