How many of you will actually stop playing retail WoW?

I quit retail WoW around the end of the second month of launch, or somewhere within the third month whenever the 6 month + ship deal came out. I made sure to get a couple tokens / enough gold to buy another month of wow while i was playing just for classic. So i guess I will " stop " playing live for classic ;D

I’ve “forgotten” to log in since we took a break for the holidays. I only resubbed because of classic hype and never really got hooked on the game like I was worried I would be. I might log in next Tuesday for raid or maybe whenever they 8.2 drops.

When classic happens, dont be surprised when I never play this DH again.

I unsubbed ~2 months into Legion when Blizz started backtracking on their “no significant class changes” promise by utterly destroying prot warrior gameplay (and, not surprisingly to anyone that was paying attention, not actually fixing the thing that was making them over-powered, leading to additional nerfing later on). No way will they ever get money from me for any future expansion.

If they do classic right then I’d be willing to pay a box+sub again, if they don’t? I’ve not played seriously since SoO (the aforementioned Legion and a slightly shorter trial of WoD) and I’ve survived ok, I’m pretty sure it would continue…

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I already stopped playing, Classic WoW is the only thing I’ll play right now.


I wont stop. On the fence about playing classic and leaning towards no. Simply been there and done that and im liking bfa for what it is.

That’s not true! Classic has Thunderfury and Windfury.

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I already stopped playing retail. It was right after Blizzcon and after I tried the demo. I honestly don’t have the willpower or the drive to play current WoW.

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Already done…Legion was great and M+ is the best thing to be added to Wow since guild banks and guild rewards, but the mandatory ap grinding, dailies (which should not exist at least not when practically tied to raiding and progression and did not exist in classic (another example of how classic is better) and the comically bad non raiding content did it for me. There’s so much great about retail that is just dragged so far down by the crappy stuff.

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I bought a 6 month sub in September. I haven’t played since October. Bleah. The game just isn’t fun anymore. Dailies feel like chores rather than doing some sort of fun mini-raid like I did all the time back in classic. Modern wow feels like it’s taken the mmo our of wow, and when you do play with people it feels like they’re just good AI. Classic wow had warts, but there was a social spect outside of your guild. I miss that.


So, then be social? This is what’s mindblowing to me, you have this huge group of you complaining about how anti-social the game is… Why are none of you playing and grouping with each other?

Is the problem really the game, or is it you?

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Its the game.


No sub here, been a minute to. Will come back for Classic however.

Have you ever played with people who don’t even know how to speak your language in wow?
They don’t respond.
Cross realm sucks for that reason.

Game was made anti social, so its the game and the other people.

Already stopped. Tried BfA for less than a week. The state of the game is horrible… you name it, it sucks. The game design philosophy is at an all time low.

Absolutely will be abandoning retail forever for classic, unless someone at blizz changes the game, reverting it back to what it once was.

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I stopped playing about 3-4 months ago. Mainly playing Rift and ESO now, waiting for Classic.

Played BFA, got bored, unsubbed, and now waiting for classic. Classic will bring lots of people back to the game. If they do it right it could mean good things for retail too.

I actually did it, I will not be playing retail again, I completely uninstalled it. I never thought id actually be able to do it, but it was quite easy to do after all. thought after all these years it would be hard to do, but after soo many years of what feels like blizz giving me the finger, it felt really good to give a huge one back.


Good! dont give actiblizzard money to keep adding QoL and ruin their own game to the point no one wants to play.

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You’ll be giving them money by playing Classic, if you didn’t know. The money you give them to play Classic is going to go to BfA development and beyond.


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At least we’ll have authentic vanilla realms. After blizzard sees Classic has more subs than BFA they will make TBC realms and maybe even Wrath realms.