How many of you will actually stop playing retail WoW?

I think a lot will because the vanilla game is more engaging and less of a constant treadmill of regearing every 4 months. A lot of people will come back specifically to play vanilla also.


I don’t plan to but at this point retail is maybe 30 minute thing a day?

Like most I’m already not playing retail. Dunno if I’ll be leaving FFXIV for Classic though. Seems like they can’t help but “improve” things like:
Shaman’s Frost Shock didn’t have diminishing returns in 1.12, they won’t let that fly.
The infamous naked Rogues, I doubt Preparation will cover Blind despite that change coming later.

Alternatively there’s under-the-hood things in the current engine that they probably won’t bother reverting like:
Warriors and Mortal Strike, you may not be running around screaming “ARCANITE REAPER HOOOOOOOOO!” I wouldn’t be surprised if MS’s damage isn’t tied to attack speed like it was.

No. I will try it, and likely level to 60 for any expansions. But, I feel that a lot of the quality of life improvements are for the better.

Are the servers going to stay up for ever? Like what will happen after 2years of Classic? do we get to keep all the stuff we worked for? or are they going to do BC servers?

I already have, actually didn’t even consider buying BfA. Being part of the early Alpha for BfA was enough for me to realize I wasn’t enjoying the game anymore. Raiding being the exception, but outside of that BfA offered me no enjoyment. I have no plans of returning to retail WoW.

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There is a list of things that I feel like Classic offers that Live does not.

-A world that is dangerous. One that requires paying attention to the dangers of mobs, patrols, and surroundings as you are in the world. Grey dragons that you cannot solo in 3 hits, or at all, and they yield worthy rewards. Traveling to another major city or outpost at a lower level had risks and was an actual journey.
-Dungeons that require teamwork, effort, and communication that result in legitimate upgrades that last for many levels and a more social experience.
-Professions that had worth, value, and could be of great benefit to the progression of a player/guild.
-Classes that required effort/time to grow and strengthen. You want to unlock travel forms you had to do decent quest lines. You want to get certain pets/demons/totems or other benefits to your class there were actual immersion/quests that were required which resulted in a better sense of achievement.
-A constant sense of progression and growth of a character. Talent points with each level, special class traits that were milestones, having to be smart with where you spent talents and upgraded spells/abilities. Gear meant something and had to be earned through time investment. Treasure chests actually had worthwhile items in it rather than a grey and a few war resources.
-Required social interaction in the game to achieve harder tasks vs doing end game LFR raids in AFK mode. This interaction can build a reputation in the game. You could become a hero or known through your own actions and not because Khadgar deemed you as the champion of Azeroth.
-A larger sense of the world due to the nature of travel and group creation.
-A uniqueness to your class that had skills and abilities no other classes could bring to the table.
-A less RNG issues and no TF/WF.


A better question might be, “How many Classic players HAVEN’T ALREADY stopped playing retail?”


I will most likely continue to play but put majority of my time on Classic. I can complete my weekly activities that I do on retail in a span of 1-3 days. I most likely will only play retail to level up a zandalari druid and paladin and raid. Raiding can be done in a single day if the pug is decent I don’t really do anything past heroic.

I unsubbed right after I got one character to 120. Just got bored.

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I like playing retail mostly, though I don’t really like BFAs story or most of the dungeons an raids but going back to the old world and completeing everything is way more fun then talking to a toad god. So yes Iam having fun with retail.

I never bought BFA. I stopped half way through legion. They took away the ending of everything, and therefore there’s no longer anything to strive for; it just feels like neverending work.

And there’s only so much time in the day. If they make an expansion that’s more of an RPG again and less of an action Diablo game, then I’ll play that instead. But I can really only devote time to one or the other.


Their idea of content is forcing players to grind things endlessly.
Basically busy work instead of making an awesome world that people want to spend lots of time in.


So, I haven’t played retail really…since the end of whatever garbage was before BfA. I think it was Legion. Yeah, it was legion. So while I maintain my blizzard accounts and have been begging for vanilla for years on the forums, and I REALLY am looking forward to classic servers - I definitely do not play on a p-server and definitely do not have various characters I definitely do not enjoy levelling and grouping with people that are also not playing on the p-server.

Why will I ignore the current retail version when classic comes out? To put it simply, Blizzard basically turned a real amazing MMORPG into a single player MMORPG. There are so many reasons I dislike the current retail that BfA was the first expac I didn’t even bother purchasing and levelling through. For those of you that like it’s direction, that’s great. Enjoy it. Like many other classic enthusiasts, I don’t.


LOL - the neverending mount and pet grind in the game is embarrassing

It’s not neverending there is a end it is just very far away

I’m definitely going to play. I miss Vanilla. I just can’t decide if I’m going to grind Tier 0.5 again or not.

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I see live and classic as entirely different beasts and am not inclined to pick one over the other simply because of the nature of how they’re played. I’m hoping a lot of features from classic transfer over to retail to make the game feel more alive but ultimately fate is fickle.

That said; I’ve stopped playing BFA all together and have every intention to play classic until I’ve had my fill at end-game. The story ruined my investment in the game fullsale and the game’s abundance of changes, unpolished specs and lack of lasting content makes it difficult to play the game and find joy in it. I unlocked the allied races but that’s about as far as I go.

I’ll come back to WoW once they leave BFA or if the management of the development team does a drastic 180 and address all of my concerns both mechanically and storywise. But as it stands, I can’t even RP with the setting anymore and that’s immersion breaking in the extreme.


I won’t be playing classic or retail, I’m not going to support what is being done to blizzard. But I hope it is an awesome time and brings the magic back.