How many of you will actually stop playing retail WoW?

I will, absolutely. I’m only playing wow out of nostalgia at this point, and it’s really only like, an hour every 3-4 days. Can’t bring myself to stay interested in the same endless grind. Classic can’t come soon enough, imo, and it’s driving me insane seeing it all over twitch.

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Because we don’t need to group up. All the world content can be done solo. It’s not even worth the effort to group up when you can complete the task in the time it takes for form a group. That is one of the major problems in the game currently.

Everything except for your basic questing takes a group. Some of the world quests need a group. But every dungeon, raid, expedition, BG, arena, you need a group. So group.

yes i’ll stop playing, i may log in every once in a while just to look at the new content but that’s about it

I’ve already stopped/usubbed. Content was lacking, AND the RNG to end all RNG’s. RNG during BfA is gut wrenching, so are professions. I played right into the story of Sylvanss hunting Saurfang. To be honest I got sick of Sylvanas. If there was a rebellion quest arc to depose her sooner I may have stayed. She’s just a Female Dog Queen now and the whole damn Horde is spineless about it, except Saurfang.
The story sucked, RNG sucked, Professions sucked. Everything sucked. I won’t go back to BfA. To top it all, this was the First time I took a little time off from work to enjoy gaming with friends, and it started good to be sure. I like the Troll’s story.

Then the RNG, more RNG and even more RNG, and useless professions. Sorry I’m saying this so much but I feel completely cheated by BfA. I unsubbed a while ago, then got cheated by Anthem. So I’m about as low as I can be with online gaming right now. But I’m throwing in my hat with Classic and I have a good amount of friends in with me. So…I’ll try this one more time!

I’m here for classic only. I unsubbed in Cata and have been playing private servers since.

They thought we didnt want it but we did.

Interesting! Cataclysm was the first time I quit WoW.

I already stopped the second they announced the beta.

Been on and off casual leveling since MoP.

Legion was the last time I was truly invested.

If o had to guess I’d say loads of people have already quit retail. And are just now tuning in for classic. I myself am one. Bfa really missed the mark for me. I only just resubbed to play bg now until classic releases but even still I realized I hate what they’ve done to pvp. No class has an identity anymore .


I’ll play just to get tokens for classic


Considering I ‘stopped playing’ all the way back in wrath of the lich king, and have only just now returned with a starter account solely to post on these forums for classic, i think the answer is a clear yes =P

I’ll be dropping BFA like a bad habit, nothing motivates me to play it other than farming gold for free WoW subs. Mostly just farm gold and do BGs until Classic comes out.

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retail is dead to me.


I’m doing my part!

Would you like to know more?

I’m probably done. I wouldn’t mind raid logging live wow because Mythic raids are actually so good but doing endless world quests, islands, and mythic plus that all essentially reset every 6 months BURNS MY SOUL.

In the past two expansions the only tiers I played were half of Emerald Nightmare, all of Antorus, and half of Uldir.

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I already have. I got into the first wave of Beta invites and I barely log into retail now. I’ve no desire to. The community, as small as it may be right now, is absolutely amazing and helpful. The difficulty and pacing is everything I’ve been missing.

ive already stopped playing…

if you take even 1 patch off… you practically fall behind in the competitive scene completely and unless you got friends its very frustrating to recover.

I will bounce back and forth depending if its worth playing. If not, all Classic

I just can’t see myself wanting to play both games at the same time. So, I definitely think I’ll take a hiatus from Retail whilst I check out Classic. And if Classic turns out to be more enjoyable for me, I doubt I’ll go back to Retail, even for the new xpac.

I hope Classic is a success and they go on to make BC and WotLK servers.

I’m quitting retail until they fix it. Classic will hold me over in the mean time. I don’t know when that will be but I know the way they’re doing it is unsustainable and I think they know that now too.