How many of you will actually stop playing retail WoW?

Not even subbed to Battle For No-Doz, family keep giving me time cards and last time I used one it was like Trucker Simulator: hours and hours of mind numbing tasks while trying to fend off sleep deprivation! Except I was sleeping normally.

So holding onto the last one I was given for Classic.

I thought in wotlk they eliminated splitting points between trees? You picked a specc and then chose the talents only in that tree? Am I wrong? And then cata made it a total joke. BC had the best talent tree forsure. Pvp was the wild wild west in BC. Had no idea what combo you were going up against and then with all the options on speccs you still had no idea what was coming.


Already stopped. I started playing classic during the public beta, and the last expansion I own is WotLK. I’ve played a bit since then, but just on my demo login (which is where this toon is from.) And that was mostly BGs with dungeons thrown in here and there.

My friends already stopped, though some played a bit more than I did.

If you look at the profile for the toon I use to post (Machenrie) you’ll note that he’s carrying a pole arm. Last time I logged in, that was an heirloom rifle (the only heirloom I ever got, by the way), but changes were made to survival hunters. That weapon represents my biggest problem with what Blizzard has been doing: dictating how I play. I like to play hybrids. I like to explore. I like to take my time. Retail increasingly has been constraining how classes can be played. Pushing leveling pace. And so on. In short, taking away my freedom.

I think that lack of freedom is the big reason behind the falling subscription numbers. Though people may not express it that way, I believe that if folks thought about the problems they have with Retail, a lot of them (though perhaps not all) could be expressed as limitations on freedom. For example, something may be put in terms of a “quality of life” improvement, but if you do something for me, you are taking away my choice of how to do that thing.

So, if Blizzard changed things back to the way they used to be, would I go back? Well, at that point, haven’t you re-created Classic? To me, the fact that Blizzard is working on Classic means they’re not going to do that. Unless, of course, Classic kills Retail.


I will most likely check out 8.2 (and probably the next expansion) but modern WoW is actually just not really fun to play. WQ/Dailies, rep grinds for allied races, etc. are just not fun anymore. I don’t particularly enjoy any of the new dungeons (maybe SotS is good) compared to Legion so Mythic+ is a bit meh this time around. Uldir was fun, didn’t really do BoD (just cleared it on normal) because I was already burnt out on the expansion. Island expeditions are just…awful and Warfronts would be cool if they were much harder and you actually had to work with other people instead of just AFK.

Perhaps 8.2 or 8.2.5 (8.3?) will fix a lot of this, but I can’t imagine returning to retail myself until 9.0. Until then…probably will be playing classic. I think I am going to try and play Prot Warrior. :slight_smile:

As it requires an active sub to even play Classic, I might fiddle a little with BfA since I have it already… but I doubt it. There’s just so many other things to do with my time.

I’m not really sure. I barely play it right now as it is. I’m still paying so I force myself to log in and try to keep up with things so I can get the latest mounts, try not to fall too far behind with my gear score, see where the story is going (sigh) but I find myself tabbing out a lot because I get so bored.

Classic, iirc, is more of a time sink the higher level you get. So I expect as I get higher level I will have less time for BFA.

I quit after the final raid of Legion, tried the BFA beta and hated the UI changes guild and what not. Personally I have only kept playing WoW when TBC launched cause I had friends playing. Now it’s to the point I just can’t stand it anymore and will only play Classic when it launches.

I’ll likely keep up with both. I will likely hold off on anything serious in Classic though, giving the player population a chance to stop fighting over copper nodes.

I’ll play it the same way I do now… Barely at all. I usually sub when Im super bored then realize BFA makes me more bored.

Got BFA a few weeks ago to play around with until classic releases. Won’t touch it again when 8/27 gets here.

I don’t know why I’d stop playing the current game to play a horrifically inferior version of it. I’ll definitely be ignoring Classic, and would remove it from my Bnet if I could. I play this game to progress and move forward. Not to be blinded by nostalgia, and the lie of tedium, and lack of information equaling “difficulty”.

I’ll be HEAVILY focused on Classic, but I’ll always pop into retail for certain things. I’ll stop raiding (because that requires too much time tbh) in retail, but I’ll be around for fun stuff like DMF, holidays, guild social events, and whatnot.

For example, if Classic is the huge success that it WILL be, then it’ll be around well into the next expansion. I’ll have to take a break from Classic for the new expac on retail, but bounce back to Classic when there’s a new phase/patch. I’ll be focused on whichever has the most recent patch out, unless they align. Then it’ll depend on what content retail has, if it’s lame then I’ll be in Classic.

It’ll be a juggle.

See this is what I don’t get. This “taking away my freedom” argument. Enlighten me. When I hop on, I don’t see anything demanding me to play in a certain way. I just do it. If I wanna run groups the ol’ way. I can. If I just wanna fish or mine all day, I can. If I wanna explore, guess what…I can.

So please, what invisible hand is stopping you from doing all that now? Because frankly, this is one of the dumbest things I’ve read in the Vanilla wank fest.

There are a number of things, but I’ll focus on a couple:

  1. Hybrids. I like playing hybrid characters. Though this is still somewhat possible (mostly by playing a Druid at this point), in the past there were many ways to do this. For example, as I’ve noted elsewhere, if you look at the gear for the toon that I use to post, you’ll note that his weapon is a polearm. It used to be an heirloom rifle (as in the item was changed from one thing to another by Blizzard.) Basically, Blizzard has dictated that if I want to follow a specific area of a talent tree, I have to play a certain way. And I only get one branch. In the current example, I have to use a polearm. If I want to used ranged weapons, I have to use different talents. If you look at wowhead, switch to classic, and then look at the talent tree tool you’ll see how flexible things used to be.

  2. I like twinks. I like the challenge of trying to optimize for a lower level, and being able to have an end-game-like experience at a lower level. These days, queue times make that generally unfeasible, and where it is available, I can’t play the way that I want (see number 1.)

These days, I feel like the game design is rushing me to the end game content. And rather than allowing me to choose my own path, I am forced into a niche – some things that used to work just aren’t possible anymore. Of course some tidbits are still available. But having had a taste of freedom, something less just isn’t good enough. If you enjoy WoW the way that it is now, that’s great. But I don’t.

Ditto. Hybrids are dead and I miss them dearly. Everything in Retail has pigeonholed players for years.

On top of that, there is no reason to go out into the sharded rubbish world that they’ve provided. I can do daily quests for rep and grind to unlock more daily quests… It’s one big effing chore. The whole game is broken. Pvp is beyond a joke.

If you like collecting pets, transmogs and mounts - fine. It’s perfect. Outside of that it’s pathetic.

I currently play retail collecting old things i hadn’t finished while waiting for this Beta to start. If i get in at some point i will no longer play retail. I literally only renewed my subscription last month in hopes of it starting soon.

I haven’t played retail for more than the occasional nostalgia trip to brewfest for years. I honestly don’t think it’s fixable anymore, at least not for me.

Even if they brought back the old rpg elements and harder content outside of mythic dungeons and raiding, there are still too many flashy mounts and races running around, the lore since cata will still have happened, and the old content will still be irrelevant.

Already did earlier this year.

Bought the six month block of time for the dreadwake mount, immediately quit playing right after. Logged in for a few hours total in the last 8 months, despite being technically subbed for six of them.

This expansion is the worst iteration of wow I’ve ever experienced, and i personally have been subbed nearly continuously up to this point since Nov '05. I despise what they arw doing to Sylvanas and I have zero desire to support live to further encourage this embarrassingly bad story they are crapping out.

Almost weekly some new bits of story drops that makes me roll my eyes. The last bit, Sylvanas sending two level 20 rogues to assassinate Thrall who has been a nonissue but needed to be assassinated so he’d have the motivation to come back.

Right. What a load of bull. They are destroying Sylvanas who realistically is one of the few good remaining characters in wow lore.

“Its not Garrosh 2.0”

Right then, why are they literally writing Garrosh 2.0 then? It’s almost like the current writers think they can getting away with plagiarizing Garroshs story just by saying they aren’t copying it while hoping we forgot about SoO already.

Well guess what, we’re haven’t. And I’m pretty sure a majority of people would agree that this Siege of Orgrimmar 2: Electric Boogaloo “story” was trash the first time around, and its only gotten worse the second time around.

I’ll sub for classic, but I’m done with retail. It’s pure garbage at this point and the story is dead to me. I came to realize that I no longer cared about anything that happens, and that’s when I realized I was done with wow.

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Retail has been dead to me for quite awhile, if anything I log on to check AH then log out. Classic is not only a nostalgia blast but also the best of what wow was imo. I cannot wait to work to progress and make friends doing it.