How many of you will actually stop playing retail WoW?

My subscription runs out in a few days. BFA doesn’t excite me. The story excites me. I’m loving the story because I want to see Calia Menethil who was introduced in the Before the Storms novel.

But the mechanics of BFA are so boring.

I want Classic to come out so I can play Classic and then treat BFA as a casual story game.

so you sub to post on this forums?

You can post here without a subscription.

used to not be that way. i now wonder if blizz looks at QQ posts, considers the players status when making changes to WOW based on inputs of players not really playing…retail or incoming classic

No? You need to have a subscription to post anywhere else, but you can post here without an active subscription.

Hello Blizzard-Activision shareholders and Corporate Staff.
I shall continue to play all of your wonderful video games and shall continue to purchase every wonderful expansion pack released for your great current retail version of WorldofWarcraft™.

Putting more work into making and maintaining Classic WorldofWarcraft™ will not compromise the earning potential of any of your other IPs or your flagship Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game, WorldofWarcraft™.

Thank you for your time.

Considering I already cancelled my sub and haven’t even bought BFA, why would I log into live at all when classic comes out? Assuming its even done well enough to earn me renewing my subscription.

No, I leveled a character (this one) to level 10 to post here. Took me like 35 minutes.

Retail WoW has turned into City of Hero’s. It’s the cotton candy of MMOs.
Sure, you can run some dailies, join a dungeon and fly around. Everything is fast paced and you feel really heroic. It lacks depth.

The other path, raiding, requires 2-3 nights of committed playing – which I don’t have the time for.

I’m looking forward to the play where getting a blue is a big achievement. Finding a group to run an instance with will be it’s own accomplishment.

Instead of a cotton candy MMO, I want steak. Why? Because Tauren is on the menu!

Thats kind of slow for the way leveling is so face roll these days. :stuck_out_tongue:

Doubtful, they made Classic forums accessible without a subscription for a reason - because they recognize how many people left and wouldn’t even consider coming back without Classic.

Without Classic they’ll likely never see another dime of my money for any game as I gave up on Diablo long ago and SC2 is done.

I have an hour or two at most a few nights a week to play and maybe a Sunday here or there. I can’t hold down both games. It’ll be a choice for me.

No troll I log in to BFA every few days now and I get so mad thinking about the game I log back out. If retail stays the way it is now then yea i will be done. Either way i will be prioritizing classic over BFA for sure.

I was going to write a response, but ill just like this instead. What you wrote is exactly the failure of what has become modern WoW, and the steps to get there were very clear even in Wrath. The only reason I can think Wrath was considered so highly was because of Arthas and the high sub numbers, however if you look at BC it was pulling 9-10 million steadily climbing. Wrath peaked at 12 and most of that was on release which WAS because of the success of Vanilla and BC. People coming off of Wrath were hesitant with Cataclysm and the numbers show that.

I unsubbed a bit before BFA dropped. Just zero interest in WOW’s modern incarnation. Each expansion moves it farther from the things I enjoyed about the game. No intention of ever resubbing unless classic turns out to be what was advertised.

there are things i enjoy about modern wow, like all of the new zones, but the decline in things like class gameplay and story has made it much less enjoyable for me. i am still very attached to characters i can’t have on classic (blood elves, demon hunters, death knights, ect) and will definitely go on modern to mess around with friends and play them. don’t think i’d QUIT quit but it definitely will be less of a priority for me.

why do i prefer classic wow? all of the classes feel truly unique from one another. the story is engaging and told well, even if there are no cinematics at the end of each zone. the world feels massive and enough praise cannot be given to the aesthetics and atmosphere. as a certified altoholic the fact that i can start having fun and feel like i really accomplished something at level 1 and not only at max level is a godsend. and of course, the social aspect.

i don’t think it’s right to change modern to cater to classic players. modern has different strengths and weaknesses from classic. while i WOULD want to change some things, trying to grab a crowd that already has a game to play (classic) would be silly, and you risk bleeding out even more subs from the audience they’ve cultivated since cataclysm. plus, the current wow devs have shown that they don’t really understand what people liked in regards to that or how to connect their changes to the world as a whole.

players: we miss leveling being an adventure in and of itself. there was meaningful progression and mobs weren’t total pushovers.

devs: ok we nerfed exp gain and buffed mob hp we are so smart

players: the world feels small because the majority of players are just sitting in capital cities and waiting for queues. if they leave it is just to do a tactical strike on some world quest areas and then go back to the city.

devs: portal bad

IMO the start of legion was really good. Loved Emerald Nightmare. Past that, WoW has seriously lost my attention.

Classic will be the only iteration of WoW I play, and there’s no question in my mind about it.

Look at GD, it’s full of trolls and really dumb casual players. The only ones paying for retail now are either hardcore or have bad taste in games.

My sub runs out on March 31st.
I’m not renewing and just waiting for classic to launch.

After the 2nd raid tier of BfA was released I told my guild I wasn’t having fun retail raiding and quit logging in.
I’ll log in sometime before my time runs out to convert my gold so I can resub when Classic launches.

I’ll never get back the abilities that made wow special, but at least I can get most of them from classic.