How many of you will actually stop playing retail WoW?

No, I don’t like the idea of classic, I feel like I would be missing out on things, the quest experience was garbage, I don’t think certain aspects aged well, none of the races I play are available, and they use the old character models.

I’ll likely be playing Classic full time, for similar reasons that so many have already mentioned.

I think retail is designed in a way that it will allow for mostly Classic players to dip their big toe in and get their weekly quest in, and participate in other quick “gear catch-up” mechanics that exist in the game.

I’ve already stopped. Apart from the occasional green fire/tower tanking challenge scenario, the game is painfully easy, the differences between classes is superficial, the lore is badly written, and the quests are paint by numbers.

I think I answered already, but in case I didn’t. I already stopped.

I’ve been playing since ,well,not sure,it was before BC when you had to lvl to 40 to ride and topped out at 60. So much has changed but I still love it. I don’t complain much ,there’s so many people picking out so many things.I just roll with it.Except,haha,I really miss getting enough honor and having a hard time waiting to go to the PVP vendor and get my next piece.Or going to different cities and learning another weapon and beating on squirrels and bugs iun the beginning to get weapons skill up,my warrior used fist weapons,2 single swords,pole arms etc , oh,and one more thing,not being able to fish in a high lvl area with low skill.Made me look forward to bringing up my professions.Am I complaining now?Prolly. But for the price I pay monthly,hell,that’s 2 drinks at a tavern,or a cheap meal and I have endless hours of a world I can escape into,or not.Pretty damn good I think.There it is,my second only post or reply,and I do read a lot of these.Latr

I cancelled my retail sub shortly after Classic was announced. And, for the first time ever, I didn’t purchase an expansion -BFA- I’ll resub and do w/e is required to play Classic, once Classic launches. I’ve told all the folks I game with that if they want to find me, I’ll be playing Classic WoW.

This. Although, when given the choice to play Live or Classic… I think the allure of participating in a completely fresh Azeroth will be irresistible.

If they keep making expansions that follow the WoD blueprint then BFA is the last expansion I purchase from them. No point in staying current if all Blizzard is going to do is never ending path finder, no tier sets, artifact grinds, and cross realm everything. Not to mention cash shopping everything cool because they don’t know how to make good content anymore that draws people in where they’re bragging about subscription numbers instead of cash shop sales. Might as well be one of those F2P mmo’s like STO or something at that point.

I currently only play modern with a single player mindset. Get on, do some quests to see how the story is progressing, maybe queue for lfr. Having my character progress being solely ‘increase gear score’ really hit me during heroic uldir with the guild and I lost interest.

I started WoW when it was an RPG, not an ARPG like it is now. You’ll see me mostly on just classic servers

Iv been stop playing live.

I doubt that 10% of the folks in these forums have an active sub.
my guess is that Classic will bring back between 150,000 and 400,000 subs.
maybe 25% of existing retail will run in Classic for a few weeks then die off.

I haven’t been subbed in a fair while (playing XIV instead) nor do I have any plans to until release day/week.

XIV has more depth then wow has ever had. Really liking it.

I’ll probably go to Classic and never look back unless they release a really, really cool race (like Sethrak) but then it’d likely be only for a short while back in Retail. Classic has all those RPG elements I sorely miss from the old days.

Retail feels really disjointed and much of the old school RPG elements were sucked out of it. “Inconveniences” they called them. It’s basically what Yurreal said it was, an ARPG. You make a character and it’s 100% “content” as in almost non stop dungeons, raids, arenas, or instanced story content with little build-up or filler.

The sad thing is that the game also forces you to go with its design in many ways to, like it’s offended if you don’t want to play it exactly as it says.

For example if I go on my Fury Warrior and equip a 1-handed weapon in my main hand half my damage abilities turn off and say “Requires two-handed weapon”. Abilities like Bloodthirst and Bladestorm just refuse to work unless I do what the game wants me to and equip 2 2-handed weapons.

and if I go sword and board I’m dropped down to Victory Rush being the only attack that I can actually use.

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I already stopped playing retail. Tried to come back for a bit of BfA and got as far as leveling to 120 before I gave up. I just don’t enjoy it.

I’m starting to think that retail might turn out better than classic, because TBH so many classicists on the forums sound a bit off kilter…

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Have no intention of playing Retail WoW.

As much as I love tanking, and Warrior PVP, I am also kind of a nerd for the game itself.

BfA it became something… I literally think is stupid. The lore characters apparently now can do whatever they want including conjuring arcane 9lb canons in their floating ship. Anduin is apparently the most powerful Paladin the game has ever seen. He can bubble the entire Alliance army (surprise I got pworslol) , while resurrecting and healing them to full for an onslaught on the Horde…

Sylvannas is an evil character, always has been. She hates the living and deeply fears her afterlife. I’m no longer sure why the forces of the Horde follow her except for blind loyalty as written by Blizzard. This is NOT the Horde that formed under the council and wisdom of Thrall.

What do I like about Classic?

I’m just a Tauren Warrior. Nothing special, just an adventurer who typically accepts the challenges given to me by NPCs I meet in the game. For the Horde, moooo. I go in the dungeons and kill the bad guys and take their items that let me go kill more bad guys in dungeons. They totally deserved it, or at least that guy said so.

That’s pretty much the game from this Warrior’s perspective, and it is such a challenge that it is super fun.


I already stopped playing retail and my sub has lapsed, and I will resub for Classic, issues with the current wow:

Retail WoW isn’t an RPG anymore, everything is now all about instant gratification rewarding and you have to get a reward/achievement/subachievement every 3.3333minutes (repeating ofc), and you’re not just an adventurer or a hero anymore, you’re a god/leader/savior OMGURD.

A lot of the classes lost their identities for added “fantasy”, everyone can do the same thing and the game is too heavily focused on specializations rather than baseline classes, in Vanilla/TBC/Wrath I was a rogue, now I’m a pirate or assassin.

The game also became too easy, and less dangerous, You AOE chain pull mobs in leveling now or dailies, you mindlessly AOE things and move on with your tiny rewards.

LFR ruined community, Cross realm ruined community, even without transmog which I wholesomely LOVE, I rather play Vanilla/TBC/Wrath, because the sense of accomplishments in those games was far beyond than today’s WoW.

The philosophy changed, its not about the adventure and community anymore, its all about being a godly boss that squashes bugs (enemies) and gets rained on with gold and rewards every 3.33 minutes.

I can’t articulate very well sorry, but that’s the gist of it.

ps: I purposely left out raiding from this post, because I think every expansion had notable raiding experiences, so overall its the only thing blizzard hasn’t failed on.

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I check in here every now and then because I like keeping tabs on how Classic is progressing. That said, I don’t imagine myself playing it.

I have fond memories of starting my adventure back in '04. I have little desire to revisit classic because it will not have the same community it had 14 years ago and it never will.

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