How many High Elves will you make?

I’ve never seen the Silver Covenant proc blue in combat.

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I’ve hardly ever seen the SC in combat at all

Headcanon. Once again, “canon” source.

I feel you are deliberately misunderstanding. Blizzard has not stated that they are nolonger exploring allied races, per se, but have instead put in Wildhammer Dwarf customizations, customizations to make your Orc almost any orc clan in the game, and troll customizations to make your troll almost any troll clan in the game. This does not mean that you have an orc disguised as a Laughing Skull, or a troll disguised as a Sandfury. They are doing this so that everyone can play the “race” they want. People are acting as though the elf customization was the only one released. Check out Bellular or Mr GM and they have videos about all the various changes.

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Pretty sure they stated we’re getting Blood Elf skins.


All sources state that each different “Elf” subrace are their own unique race, or are we to call all Blood Elves Night elves now since they came from them via High Elves?

You’re not getting high elves.

And Blood Elves are High Elves :wink:


And? After the the patch with the customizations goes live, you are going to see dwarves that look just like the Wildhammer Clan yet do not specifically say that they are Wildhammer. As for proccing, I dont care what NPC’s do as players proc and change colors and flash all the time due to abilities and gear that NPCs never follow suit on. Does that mean that all players are actually not the race they say they are?

And you’re still not offering me any bit of proof whatsoever that these are high elves customizations. You’re telling me I’M WRONG and misunderstanding when you can’t possibly know that you’re right.

Why are you telling me to check out streamer videos? They are not official blizzard employees. I want confirmation from blizzard.

This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

In Warcraft lore, race often has the same definition as species. Occasionally, within a race/species are groups called subspecies/subraces Note that use of race may not always denote seperate species however (and may refer to ethnicities/subraces/subspecies within species)


But doesn’t that also make High Elves Night Elves since they came from them? And from there Night Elves Highborne and Highborne Dark spear Trolls?

I think Shadows said it better than me. They’re Blood Elf skin tones, and Blood Elves are High Elves, ergo they are High Elf customization options


Well I have 8 void elves and I am planning to costumise 4 of them to High elves :heart_eyes:

1 Like Void elves are stated as a separate race/sub race, they are Not High/Blood elves…

I see, you are being deliberately obtuse. You have been told multiple times that a Blizzard post on these forums that is almost always within one scrolling from the top called something along the lines of “Elf Customization” by a BLIZZARD employee showing the customizations is a click away. Obviously you are just boredom trolling.

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Blizzard needs to increase char limit so I can create 419 of them.


Once again, Headcanon. And no, they are not classed as a different race.


How am I trolling asking people for proof?

Are people getting mad because they can’t offer me one solid bit of fact that these are high elf customizations?

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