That does not mean Void Elves, Blood Elves and High Elves are all different races. We’re just different groups. That is it. Nothing more, nothing less.
The ingame actions of npcs really does not matter. Perhaps I stuttered when I mentioned what the LEAD DEV of the game said. I will try to break it down barney style for you. According to the guy who makes the call on this, Blood Elves = High Elves. Void Elves are a cult of Blood/High Elves, not a subrace or racial offshoot. Ergo, Void Elves = High Elves. Please feel free to feel however you want, but please understand that the facts do not care about your feelings. Would it make you feel better to knock down statues of the Windrunner sisters?
We are physically different from either, genetically speaking our bodies have been twisted by Void, no matter what you argue High Elves don’t turn purple or have a connection to the Void naturally, can go near the Sunwell, and don’t draw in every Void creature within a few miles just by being somewhere. We are literally as different from Blood Elves as can be without straight up being actual Void aberrations…
You need to learn your lore.
Changes =/= New Race.
I plan to customize my main here with as full on a High Elf aesthetic as whatever new options we get will allow. My holy priest will also get this treatment.
My Warlock is going to stay pretty much as he is with full on void-themed aesthetics.
Beyond that I’ll have to see what catches my fancy.
Has blizzard confirmed somewhere (yet) these are high elf customizations?
And this is where you’re wrong, perhaps you ignored where it literally says it twisted our Double-helixes into a new form? We are genetically no longer Blood elves, our very bodies and SOULS were changed with the transformation… how is that such a hard concept to comprehend?
Hey Hernex,
Are Kul Tiran and Humans different races?
Are Highmoutain Tauren and Tauren different races?
Are Mag’har Orcs and Orcs different races?
Are Zandalari Trolls and Trolls different races?
You mean, other than the blue posted pics of the available customizations? If you are asking if the specifically said “tHesE ArE HigH elVeS”, no. But as we have stated many, many times…Ion has said blood elves are high elves. Since void elves are a void cult of blood elves, it is as close as we are going to get, it matches appearance, the logic matches and the math checks out.
Eh… You’ll be asking a lot there. Asking a game company for an update that doesn’t want any political involvement is like asking McDonald’s for a Double Whopper with Cheese.
I’ve been asking this question for weeks and nobody has been able to provide any solid answers or proof/facts for me. So I don’t think i’m wrong for wanting confirmation.
Until then i’m calling them void elf customizations because well, that’s what they are.
That is because we’re all waiting for official confirmation from Blizzard. But for a gaming company that clearly said they don’t want any political involvements, but yet, getting into political involvement because of the racism that happened in the USA…
I think it’s just implied since Void Elves were created as a compromise. The whole point was to make a High Elf that looked different from Blood Elves. By adding the eye and skin colors they essentially become High Elves in all but name
Okay but you all keep saying “implied” “obvious” and other buzz words like that etc etc but you have no solid facts to back up your statements whatsoever besides 3 year old NPCs and a winky face from a blue.
When asked why Blizz went with Void Elves instead of High Elves they straight up told us that it was because they looked too similar. Now that argument is moot, so they’re High Elves in all but name
The void stuff just helps explain racials
Technically yes on the Kul’tirans, did you ignore that they bred with the native Drust? Granted I’d have to do some digging on who exactly the “Drust” were, though technically it’d make sense for even them to be “humans” just a sub-offshoot branching from the Vrykul, however that is a matter of them being 99% still genetically human, again the Void transformation twisted Void Elf DNA and even our very souls, it’s not a matter of just being a genetic off shoot, we’re changed in ways BEYOND just gene expression, though sprouting tentacles does help…
So, where is the official canon source to say Void Elves are a different race?
Same here.
If I ever actually play my Void Elf she’ll keep embracing the void and all of it’s uniqueness, really love what the tentacles do for her hair!
Lovin’ how people are saying they don’t want the racials, effects, skin tones, tentacles or lore for void elves but then turn around and say that they don’t want to change anything about them…
Technically they are not, all Elves are Elves, though this does not mean all sub-Elf groups are the same. But by this logic are Elves Trolls? Taken from the Elf Wowpedia: “Void elves are a race of Void-infused elves.”-Wowpedia-elves. The “zebra” example above is quite accurate I’d imagine, Zabras are technically “horses” as are giraffes for being in the family “equine” but they are not truly horses…