What are you talking about? Season 1 starts after a month
That seasonal thing should stop too.
Idk about you but killing content every patch aint fun.
Like BFA, they will add something to fix the broken classes (like essences) and then strip it away at the end of the expansion and we start the whole process over again, instead actually fixing the base classes.
Bit too optimistic there
Some things I would like to see;
Scaling for older raids tuned to a bit more easier. Even at 60 with a higher ilvl than all my gear last patch, mythic legion raids are actually harder currently than being at endgame in 120.
Beta still has a weird outline when previewing costumes.
I have reported these for a while just hoping they’re in before live.
Truth tea right here.
I know, I’m just wondering what to change the title of this post too when it happens. Unfortunately I can’t go with “Ef you I was right”
It is a “no” because the OP is correct in their assumptions.
Yet you jaded lot keep posting on the forums and most likely keep playing, you can quit anytime if you hate playing so much.
Because we remember a time when this game was the best in the world, and we know it can be again, the steps to take are obvious.
LF1M Mage must be “Insert highest DPS covenant here”
Sorry but if I see someone I care about driving straight into a tree, I’m going to tell them they’re driving straight into a tree. What they do after that is up to them because I’m jumping out of the car.
We post because we care.
It has never been about switching covenants . It has been more about separating player power especially the class abilities from the covenants.
Even pro ripcord pullers want a covenant they can stick with but not at the cost of their game enjoyment.
maybe #toldyouso
But I am actually hoping the pro-lock crowd comes out with
News flash
You can still be critical of something you like .
It’s OK Mr 1300 IO from moon guard, your dungeon groups are way to far beneath me. No need to worry on that front.
I still struggle to see how the cov lockers don’t grasp this.
Sad part is even a Random BG LfR Hero like me sees it’s bad and I’ve said so, may times in the mega ripcord thread here in GD