How many days until "They'll fix it in 9.1"? Maybe Blizzard have learned?

You must be new. They always had something crazy to the last tier. This started back in CAT when RF. MOP with the trinkets and so on. Its the expansion end. It really doesnt matter what they do then…

We will hear the same thing as always OP.
Stop over-dramatizing.

We don’t need to work to unlock traits… we have it there.
Lots of things don’t mean anything for player power.

So the BFA comparisons is slim to non OP.


You haven’t looked at whats coming at all have you? Timegated unlocking of soulbinds, we will have to grind to unlock conduits.

It is worryingly apt.


Compared to the ''shoot, I got this drop, but can’t use it ‘cause I need more AP’. I think it’s an improvement.

I’d rather they do away with all this non sense but ION thinks it’s fun so FML.

Now it’s “Shoot I got this conduit, but I can’t use it until next week because thats when the next slot unlocks, and even then I can’t just test it out now because there is a 7 day cooldown on swapping conduits.”


Welcome to Ion’s WoW.


sigh I didn’t have a problem switching talents for questing, pve, pvp. Idk why they feel like we shouldn’t. Oh well.


See according to the devs you were enjoying the game wrong. You aren’t supposed to enjoy thinking about what you are doing.


I mean I know even with these changes I’ll still enjoy the game. But I still feel like they could have gone with a different approach on some things that could have still been good for every kind of player.

Don’t worry guys, trust them.

They’ll get it right this time.


it’s been like that every xpac.

well the more i beta test the more i can say i think you’re going to be proven wrong…

it will be 9.2 when it is fixed :rofl:


Maybe you and Blizzard need to understand we want a fun game to play, not gold spat out of our computers.


Got sharp cheddar instead of mild eh?

I got a cheese sandwich instead of an expansion more like.


Been a long, bumpy, miserable ride ever since he got into the driver’s seat.


Everyone will have tons of fun in the beginning like bfa. The zones were fun. The build up of dungeons and raids. Then there’s nothing to do for 3 months. They need to keeps the party going. I dont mind vids or ion talking about the game every week.

Theu could even add more gamelan in the same format as the prepatch. Once a week. For people to look forward to subbing. The reason people gated bfa was the slow af addition of content.

Have you never heard of hard water?

I will show myself out lol.

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nobody ever expects the hard water.

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