How many days until "They'll fix it in 9.1"? Maybe Blizzard have learned?

Is SL your first new expac?

You drawing on your vast amount of software development experience to come to this conclusion?

Because I’m drawing on mine to say you’re wrong. Wanna compare resumes?

It… it was a joke. He was making a joke about how literally none of the problems from this expansions Alpha got fixed until the next expansion.

I’d like to compare the last three expansions to your statement. Cause… they did this the last three times. There’s literally no reason to believe it will magically be different this time.

I’ll trust my own experiences over someone else’s “professional opinion” that doesn’t hold water to the actual pattern that’s emerged.


I’m not getting those Pirate hats, even after 9.1. I’m hella pissed.

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I’m not going to argue with someone who’s primary character trait is being uneducated. Not liking a feature isn’t the same thing as it not being ready for release, and software doesn’t need to be 100% bug free to go live. There is no such thing as bug free code.

It will go live and will be ready on time.


Insulting a persons intelligence does not win you the argument. I’ll leave you this response and then you can sit in silence to think about the fact that your primary character trait that you put forward was to be rude and sink to ad hominem.

Covenants are just one feature going live. We could discuss the absolute crapshoot that is the state of multiple classes. We could discuss how Shaman still feel terrible to play, and have talents that barely make sense, for example (they have a talent for an ability they don’t even have when they can get the talent).

They’ve done this over, and over, and over. Massive amounts of feedback on classes, zero efforts based on that feedback, and then some things are going to go live that are broken. Things we’ve pointed out months ahead of time.

All you need to do is look at Warlocks in Legion. Affliction went live so abysmally broken that it was a joke. Except everyone, and I mean everyone, saw this a mile away and reported it as early as Alpha. Then during Beta they kept reporting it. Still went live and still got the “it’ll be fixed in 7.1.”

Or, like, Shadow priests and Shaman twice over. At Legion launch they said they’d fix them in 7.1. Then in 7.1 they said they don’t do class overhauls mid expansion and… “live with it.”

Nah. Hard pass.

It will go live. That doesn’t mean it’ll be 100% ready. Don’t be thick.

No, it doesn’t. The things that we’re talking about weren’t bugs though. Azerite worked as intended it was just absolutely atrocious and they had to retool it multiple times just to make people happy because, despite not being buggy, it was bad. It was bad in ways that players had already pointed out multiple times during beta.

Don’t pretend that players are incapable of seeing the writing on the wall. Don’t pretend Blizzard won’t hand-wave it and say they’ll fix it later and then never get around to it.


The issue I took from legion -> bfa was it felt like bfa learned nothing from the failures of legion, at least with legion you could say they were testing new systems and thats why they werent that great

Bfa had no such excuse

I can’t wait to go live with the vivify cleave bug still intact on my covenant ability, making it so that covenant is always the best for hps.

And then it will get hotfixed into the ground the week mythic raid comes out and all the MWs will have to covenant swap.

Can’t wait for my meaningful choice to be rendered meaningless within a month of launch.


Blizzard could make a game that spit gold out of your computer, cleaned your house everyday, and fed you a samich all at the same time and you cry babies would complain the samich had the wrong kinda cheese on it. Nothing changed since 2004. Cry babies gonna cry and everyone else is just gonna play.

If you made a mistake on covenant you can easily switch ? I don’t see what the problem is

Looks at Windwalker Monks who have had major bugs throughout all BFA.

Sure chief.


They’ll fix the Cataclysm Vashj’ir intro quest chain bug where you take falling damage underwater in 9.1 too right?

You really aren’t paying attention are you?

Was watching my brother do dungeons today. The mechanics didn’t work for the final boss in De Other Side and all the casters in Halls of Atonement know how to fly. lol

I don’t think people are looking at soul binds, conduits and legendaries yet.

The covenants are currently the least of problems as far as the ability damage. The soul binds are showing upwards of 30% damage difference among the same class and spec. Some classes are getting 2 for 1s as well, being already strong and doubling their power with less consequence.

The excuse that you can change covenants once a week is moot at this point. There will be players doing 2k less damage than normal and unless they’ve looked up why they’ll think people are just being mean.


Systems within systems :scream:


Oh trust me I am well aware of this, being in the beta has it’s privileges.

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After the Corruption situation in 8.3 what did you expect, really? :man_shrugging: There are THREE power systems at launch (Covenant abilities, soulbinds and legendaries)… Once this was fleshed out in Beta, I knew that it would end up in disaster… :frowning:

Oh I’m paying attention. I just don’t think covenant abilities are as a big deal as people are making them out to be.

Well you are wrong. Massively wrong. In fact you are about as wrong as it’s possible to be.

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