How many days until "They'll fix it in 9.1"? Maybe Blizzard have learned?

I mean, but if there’s no alternative where are you going to go? That’s why a lot of people complain, they don’t like parts of the game but have nowhere to turn.

No game had m+ like wow, and none come close to wow raiding

I’m really hoping they get the maw right, to my knowledge it’s still a mountless area and that seems pretty risky.

Oh, I’ll full on admit that is freaking annoying as all hell, bad decision imo

They are making a product to sell. Not some artistic masterpiece.

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My hope for the Maw would have been no mount, permanent fog of war, and automatic rez sickness if you die. They say it’s going to be a challenge, but really just sounds like mobs hitting harder and having more health than expected. They could come up with unique ways to challenge players instead of the usual.


I’ll have to see for myself what it’s like but I’m one of 3 wow players that if I don’t like something I won’t do it :rofl:

Can’t really avoid it, it’s ingrained in the expansion

Legions only problem was at first it wasnt just alt unfriendly… but spec unfriendly. 7.1 helped but the final patch made things sing.

Well yeah. That’s our point.

Waiting half the expansion to fix something that shouldn’t have gone live the way it did is stupid.

No-one is complaining about Legiondaries 2.0, because the way of getting them is actually good.


almost as if blizzard has learned nothing.

I’ve always enjoyed multi role classes, but if shadowlands goes ahead like this I might just main my warlock.

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still subbed though, should stop crying if u keep subbing to play retail. It has been like this the past few years. You guys give them money to play garbage expansions and u can’t stop crying about it, it’s kinda weird. I am subbed to play classic not retail.

We want something new and good. Not boring and easy af like classic.

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implying WoW has ever been hard, pick up a competitive game.

As much as I don’t like the system, it’s looking okayish for Warlocks at the moment.

Necrolord seems far and away the best choice in M+ and Raid scenarios, so I won’t be screwed over too hard in either the M+ or Raid front by picking Necro, even if I much prefer the playstyle, gateway and thematic of Venthyr.

I feel real bad for the people who play multiple roles within a raid and/or M+ environment.

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No one said wow was hard, classic is just an extra level of piss easy

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he implied it with “easy af like classic” acting like retail isn’t easy.

Classic is exponetially easier than retail, that was the only implication

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okay u aren’t smart if u don’t think that’s what he implied. Not wasting my time with you.

It wasn’t implied in there at all lol, but ok Mr genius

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You know it really won’t be addressed until 9.3.