How many days until "They'll fix it in 9.1"? Maybe Blizzard have learned?

So for everybody’s complaints, I don’t see myself having any serious issues that “will be fixed in 9.1.” I’m mostly worried about AOE cap but it doesn’t seem as bad as I feared, though I won’t know until I actually play.

That said, power being tied to Covenants will probably hurt the game in the long run. I like it cause it seems fun and interesting but if you are going serious (and by serious I don’t mean the just the highest end players) in multiple forms of content or just enjoy using different specs than it seem like it will be a frustrating and limiting system, turning players like that off.

But you know, they’ll fix it in 9.0.5.

There has never been a polish expansion. Ever. It only towards the end that everything works.

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I’m pretty sure they translate the expansion to polish



I’m excited to see what everyone will piss and moan about come Shadowlands. Always fun to read all the whining on the forums :slight_smile:

I swear everyone looks at me like I have six heads every time I say that I consider Legion to be my least favorite expansion by a country mile.

7.3 offered some massive QoL improvements but by the time Wakening Essences were added and AP was extremely easy to grind for it was too late for many players. I still got utterly burned by the legendary system on three different characters I intended to raid on before 7.3 was even remotely close to coming around.

Legion offered a lot of good world content but Mythic raiding was absolutely miserable to prepare for, and anybody who argues otherwise forgot about the hoops every raider had to jump through before Wakening Essences were added to be even remotely competitive with his or her peers.

That expansion was miserable. Let’s stop pretending it wasn’t. Legion’s worst was far worse than typical 8.1/8.2 BFA stuff, which is to say that it was pretty mediocre at best but not 8.0 levels of downright bad.


I wonder how widespread denial will actually be

right now I see it as Schrodinger’s group finder


I think the game will be worse in Shadowlands than it ever was in BfA.

Lots of that already happening and with good reason if you are playing beta. I always get a kick out of the people saying ‘this is the best expansion ever’ the first week or two.


I’m enjoying beta so I really don’t see it. It has bugs yes, but every beta had mounds of bugs

If you say so Ion.

Lol, nice comeback I guess

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I would have checked your armory to see what you actually do in the game - I suspect raid and dungeons though but you know classic character.

Raid and m+ yes

If you like those and can ignore everything else, Shadowlands would be fine. I debated changing my play style to just doing those because I can’t stomach that Maw and the covenant campaign but I am doubtful substituting something I hate for something else I dislike is a wise use of my gold.

Well, yes, those are the reason I play. There’s better games out there for every other aspect

I knew when Ion said “we’re going to try to make this work first” that he was buying time until it would be too late to fix it.

Realistically, since the basis of the entire expansion is covenants, there’s no way they can rip it out with an easy fix to cover.

I expect that halfway through the expansion we will see one or more band-aid fixes implemented, that require players grinding for currency to buy into the new system(s) they will be layering in on top of these. Only some players will benefit, and even they will be disappointed. Others will get no benefit from the “fixes”. Think titan residuum vendor.

And they’ll say, “See! We listened and are giving you what you asked for!”

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“Anima infused”

I fixed the title for you OP.

9.3 will fix it for sure.

I like that and intend to steal it.

Kind of disheartening this week that the build yesterday was for a couple class adjustments and the addition of music. Unless they’re saving it all for a larger build next week.

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