How many days until "They'll fix it in 9.1"? Maybe Blizzard have learned?

Like I said, i don’t care either way, they want to try to work it this way, fine by me.

I’m not switching whether they allow it or not. And honestly, we don’t even know what will be required to switch back, we know it’s a quest, we just don’t know what that quest is.

They’ll implement things like no-lockout conduit swapping, covenant swapping restrictions (or at least loosened) and whatnot when the sub numbers take a hit and they need to keep retention rates up.

exactly like they did in 8.3 where they said they had no plans on account-wide essences, or later in 8.3 where they had “no plans” to let you upgrade resistance faster.
Go forward a few weeks when retention rates/time played dropped after the hype of target-able corruption wore off and what do we get? faster resistance upgrades.

It’s perfectly obvious on why they’re stonewalling like this, and paint it as their “vision” for the game, and not what it actually is.


Lets the doom saying commence!!

Plus, they’re hilariously undertuned or overtuned. One of the potency ones was literally “increases Shadow Embrace by 33%”.

…That makes it go from 3.33% per stack to 3.66%. Or 10% at all stacks to 11%.


Their vision of all of those things still had people logging in and them making enough money for their stock to hit record highs. So mission accomplished from a business standpoint.

They aren’t required to listen to all feedback. They listen to feedback. Look at the beta forums, they’re listening and applying fixes to areas where they see they were wrong. But they aren’t going to change everything, that’s pretty much a given.

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But they still changed it. They’ve announced that they have a plan B before the system goes live, and they’ve literally never done that.

All we’re asking for is that instead of jamming the fork in the electrical socket, we skip the entire “electrocution and hospital visit” part of Covenants, and just take the fork off Blizzard to begin with.


I don’t even know anymore.

It really looks like SL will be trash for the first 2 patches. I might stick it out if my friends do.

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I’m just glad corruption will be gone in ~30 days


There will ONE HUNDRED PERCENT be something that needs to be fixed. There’s no way there won’t be, it’s nothing against Blizz it’s just the nature of the game.

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Then the simple answer would be “yes”, correct? I mean I only simple question but all the side stepping is funny.

They changed it after the general population got their hands on it. I’m not a game developer. But they’re testing these systems with a fraction of folks, so they’re taking some feedback with a grain of salt because they still think their vision will succeed.

It may succeed it may not. And if it doesn’t, then those beta testers can say “I told you so.” But they want to see how the systems play out with the general audience before applying sweeping changes. I don’t fault them for wanting to try out their version first.

dude take a look at your posts and ask yourself why do you still play this game
you don’t enjoy the game since, well, who knows

Tbf, if you play for raiding or m+ where else are you going to go?

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Nothing to do with a pandemic that had millions stuck at home with nothing else to do is it?


I mean, I can say yes :man_shrugging:

If there are 0 ZERO issues in SL I’ll come and say I was wrong.

Now, who here wants to place bets that there will be 0 issues :slight_smile:

And that general population had pretty much the same reaction as the testers. Just like they did with Legiondaries, and Garrisons, and virtually every other system that Blizzard had to rush out fixes for because they didn’t listen to beta testers.

I don’t want to say “I told you so”, if it comes at the cost of crap like Covenants being locked until 9.1 or 9.2.

Like I said in my previous analogy, the “I told you so” isn’t worth the hospital visit because Blizzard wanted to jam a fork in a power socket.


Jesus Christ himself could come down and create a game and it would still have at least one issue


So at least you can commit to your point of view. I agree with you but I find if funny how the OP side stepped a simple answer.

If those systems made the game unplayable, they’d be playing another game besides WoW.

You play with what you have. You offer feedback and hope it’s listened to. If it isn’t up to your standards, don’t detriment your own enjoyment with a game you don’t enjoy.

I’m not saying don’t provide feedback. I think the current system sucks from an RPG standpoint. I’d love for it to be changed. But people shouldn’t expect them to listen to all feedback. They’re making a game same as other people make movies or write novels.

If someone asks for feedback on a movie, novel, or heck, even a cooking recipe, the creator of those things aren’t required to listen to feedback.

If I’m wrong I’ll happily admit it. Because I want to be wrong on this. But all evidence has led me to where I stand now.

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