How many days until "They'll fix it in 9.1"? Maybe Blizzard have learned?

Been playing since vanilla and there has never been a time when there were not people complaining and other people disagreeing with the complaints. If you wanted a “called it” thread you could have made it in 2004 and had in run in perpetuity.


How does pattern recognition explain excessive cynicism? It doesn’t solve it as Blizzard doesn’t read the forums so all you’re doing is whining to the choir.

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Something something MEANINGFUL CHOICE.

Though really, I feel bad for most of the playerbase. The “silent majority” aren’t here arguing that Covenants are good thing ackshully, they don’t know crap about it, and they’re going to be in for a rude awakening when it actually goes live and affects more than the people who actually test it, and those who wish to spite those who test it.


There’s 3 soulbinds and multiple paths on each, you might not be 100% perfect, but most of the soulbinds are pretty basic anyway, you can easily have one for each spec you want to play. We’re not talking massive dps difference between them.

Conduits are going to account for FAR more than the soul bind perks.

Isn’t that pretty much how every fix works?

With the release date announced, we have lost the battle for the covenant restriction removal unfortunately.

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Because its not cynicism. It’s pattern recognition. You identified the wrong problem


Feedback is just that. It’s optional to listen to. You may not agree with their vision, but that doesn’t mean it’s wrong.

Are we going to be angry that painters don’t always listen to people telling them how to “improve” their paintings? Not saying the feedback they receive isn’t justified, but they don’t have to listen to it if it doesn’t fit their vision.

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After all the talk of soul binds and conduits I had kind of built them up in my head.

Then I got beta access and have been using them myself and most are completely minor/flavor buffs.

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They have the lever there to pull, but they’re going to see how it fairs this way first, but they have had the thing of needing to allowing switching all the way back from when alpha first started.

That said, i personally don’t care either way, I’m not switching regardless.

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You do know what cynicism is right?


Yea, conduits can get pretty crazy, but the soul bind buffs are like… after 150 spells you get 10% vers for 10 seconds.

Yeah, just like they had their vision on stuff like Account Wide Essences, Corruptions or Legiondaries.

Just once I’d like them to not wait half the expansion before making a garbage system less garbage.


I don’t give a rats about their “vision”. I want a fun game to play. If their vision coincides with fun game play great.

When they are oblivious to player enjoyment and stick with a flawed vision purely to stroke their own ego that is a problem.

it’s not a painting. It’s a video game.


unfortunately, this pattern is going to repeat here too.


Some players vision of a fun game is getting max level gear in the mail, the only vision they can really go off of is theirs.

this comparison doesn’t make sense.


You would think that when one of the first comments on the expansion after covenants were announced was “are we going to be able to swap” that might have been a wake up call


On the beta you can buy all the conduits for 1c each and I’ve done shaman and DH so far and was horribly unimpressed with their power.

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They’re all rank 1, there’s 15 ranks that are supposed to be based off ilvl.

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