I don’t think so to be quite honest. While covenant abilities are an issue, I don’t think they’ll be game-breaking.
Borrowed power is fun. Its bad that there is a significant winner that outperforms all the others by absurd amounts, and its worse again when that power comes from rng (corruptions!).
Legion leggos were borrowed power in a massive way that was 10 times worse than artifacts - where artifacts went wrong was having 3 of them and having to choose a single one to power up, but it also made that one meaningful to that specific spec - i did prot warrior and mw monk and never swapped specs - i then did mm hunter towards the end of tos and argus patches.
The annoying factor was always the rng based around the leggos, and how much a single one could change the power scale - looking foward in shadowlands where we have that kind of variety (with still a single one that outperforms others in a given situation) that isnt hidden behind rng if you want to try something else.
Yes, a big reason for me returning to Shadowlands (left retail in Legion) is their stance that self-agency will be important this time. So far, the RNG I massively hated appears to be absent.
Get in beta and see for yourself.
Systemlands is going to make Battle for Abilities look like a Mona Lisa.
Im already in it.
How do you just jump onto the beta - i had hoped to get abeta pass months ago to test some things on various classes, the interactions with professions upgrades (wod gear) and how potentially that over the ptr we could have wod creafted gear being higher ilvl than mythic raid gear (you know real testing like findsing out my garrosh heirloom was bugged to lvl 35 so they fixed it as usable from lvl 1) - but with the current testers, its just been a s%^t show of crying about covenants, not being able to swap them on a whim. Test the content, pass the spread sheets of into to the devs and move on.
Angry souls cannot move on easily.
You need to either appease them or to exorcise them.
I laugh groaned at this.
Honestly though, I’m getting less and less confident.
Please NOBODY EAT CROW. I can’t do 2020 again.
Hey it couldn’t be any worse then bats
I’ll bet that the serious issues that we do have, are known about, been reported about in all the testing phases make it live. As has been said, pattern recognition works wonders when predicting future behavior.
It’ll be an issue for sure because there was a lot of feedback that players don’t like the way it is yet Blizzard ignores them and goes live with it anyway
Lol wut.
I get that, but in all honesty, at least for me, it won’t be that big an issue.
It definitely won’t cause the expansion to crash and burn on launch, and result in Blizz to have to spend 9.1, 9.2, and 9.3 trying to fix the problem.
I think it’ll be more akin to the legiondary headache
Well if they don’t have that “ripcord” ready then we just might see them work multiple patches trying to fix a problem they made.
Maybe? I mean, Ion kind of lied when he said these abilities are tied into the covenants as a whole.
All they have to do is make an extra talent row.
Of course it won’t cause the expansion to crash and burn on launch people will be leveling and anyone hitting 60 on launch day will just be barely scratching the surface of their covenants.
Well if I’m observing Blizzards track record, I have no faith in them doing that.
Okay. I’m just telling you how easy it is.
Well of course it’s easy. Most of the things Blizzard could’ve done to fix past systems was easy too. But for some reason they enjoy making complicated systems that more often than not in recent expansions don’t work.