How many days until "They'll fix it in 9.1"? Maybe Blizzard have learned?

Nobody with a working memory has any faith in that.

Well either the Zandalari warrior is new or does not have a working memory

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why not both?

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At least he’ll be fed for a while. If Anita Sarkeesian is anything to go off, you can get fat from eating your own words.


damn bro, didn’t have to do him like that

Thanks Debbie Downer.

I’m sure when you go outside and it’s sunny your first thought is, “Oh great it’s sunny, that can only mean it’s gonna rain soon…”

Then you know how bad things will be if this hits live servers.

Lets pay our respects once this hits live client.


:prayer_beads: :prayer_beads: :prayer_beads:

Denial is the first stage of grief, it’s ok you will get past this.

I started to read through this and…my head hurts. This thread is going nowhere. You have people stalking others activities, bashing each other and not really discussing the issue. The discussions that do happen is countered with things like “not my problem”…it’s going nowhere…

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If I were to try to describe WoW forums in general. This would be it. I would just add one thing: People replying to your post that clearly didn’t attempt to understand what you said.

Edit: The server didn’t take the quote the first time.

It’s an easy trap to fall into, especially the newer you are to the game. Most people would think that anything that feels broken or sucks to play would be fixed ASAP, and perhaps earlier in WoW’s lifespan this was true, but the past couple of expansions have been telling in how Blizzard actually approaches (or refuses to approach) situations like that.

We didn’t get a legendary vendor in Legion until the end of the expansion. We didn’t get account-wide essences or a way to grind corruptions until the donkey-end of BFA. Several specs have been languishing since their initial rework in Legion, and numerous talents have remained in place with little to no changes made to them even when they’re completely dead talents that no one ever chooses.

I’m not sure what it is. I would like to think that it’s a legitimate lack of time needed to fix these sorts of things, but other times they have a plurality of people shouting from the mountaintops about something wrong with the game from the very start of an alpha of a new expansion, and it won’t be fixed until either the very end of that expansion, if not having to wait until the next expansion.

Either way, Blizzard definitely doesn’t operate the way it used to.

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Agree. We know from the BFA launch that the new blizzard has no problems with releasing a buggy as expansion. They’re are focused on short term gains over quality these days. So expect lots of grief from all the new systems on launch and subsequent patches.

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What’s funny is: we’ll be seeing stuff like “X covenant with a weak Ability has the best soulbinds, it’s so unfair. I have to choose between having an Impactful and fUn ability or having my normal spells do actual damage”

Already seeing some of this on the beta class forums. Decimating bolt is so good, but soulbinds in Maldraxxus got nothing on Night Fae, (for example). The end result is basically a wash numerically, which is the whole point. Personally, I’d rather have the passives, but that’s because I’m a boring player and I don’t like having all my dps done inside of a window.

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Like I said, it’s gonna be a disaster at launch, especially since upgrading conduits is gonna turn the maw into islands 2.0 from the latest beta update.

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MM hunters say hello

That’s actually pretty close to ideal if it works out to be a wash.

It won’t. You might have two equalish Covenants, one with really good Soulbinds and one with a really strong ability, but that’s going to be small comfort for the Covenants (and the people who like them) with dumpster tier ones of each.

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At present for boomkin there is an over 20% difference in dps between best and worst covenants.

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With news of the delay this might be a good sign.