How many days until "They'll fix it in 9.1"? Maybe Blizzard have learned?

But they can’t. They’ve shown that they’re not capable of properly tuning systems like this. I’d be all for it if WoW Devs were well known for their ability to balance.


Well at least we agree on who the problem is… :thinking:


It’s not a question of tuning, it’s often a question of just bad design.

Brewmaster Monks, for example, gain no benefit from Night Fae or Venthyr because those class hall abilities have no tanking component whatsoever.

The Kyrian Monk ability changes what it does depending on your spec. So does the Night Fae one, although the tanking element (applying breath of fire) is worthless. The Venthyr Monk ability does literally nothing for tanks.

That’s not tuning. That (horrible) design.

And that’s not even getting into the issue of people who regularly like to DPS and tank, or DPS and heal, but have to get stuck with just 1 covenant, and therefore might have a covenant ability that literally does nothing for their tank or healing spec.

This shouldn’t even require testing. All they needed to do was take the list of class abilities and have somebody read it who plays the game, so they could say, “Hey, this class covenant ability does nothing for tanks (or healers).”

Yet they couldn’t even manage that.


And just think: if they had made them talent rows we could have had some truly unique and cool abilities. But because of this system they have had to water them down so they work for all specs.

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Your point is?

Oh right I forgot, being a resto druid (not actually the best this season but details) means that I don’t have to play well or no the mechanics of each dungeon down to the tiniest detail to do 20’s.

To be honest if we didn’t care about the game we would just leave withoutsaying anything . But because we do care about the state of the game we speak up .

Some times it takes more passion to speak up about something you like when it is going in a direction you fear is not good then it is to defend every decision made.


Leave the Signature abilities and the Soul Binds with the covenants .

Just remove the class abilities and make them work with all covenants , so when a person picks their chosen covenant any of the class abilities will work with the soul binds.

One of the ideas I have mentioned and this kind of goes with the possiblity of level being reset to 50 with each new expac.

Make an expansion only talent row so every new expansion we get a new set of talents for that expansion that isn’t tied to any borrowed power but adds a bit of flavor for that specific expansion .

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I’m going disc priest, so most of my conduits are trash right now, so I have way more soulbind options

The player power on the covenants is also effing up roleplaying by making one chose between the RP choice and the gameplay choices.
Case example:
The meta for druids being Necrolords and the meta for Death Knights being Night fae.
Who the frigg would normally associate their DK with the covenant with WoW’s variation of Fairy Queen Titania and her Summer court?


Um, well, of course. That’s part of just the way development happens with features and adjustments.

You can argue about these decisions forever, but at some point you have to give the product to the customers, move some things to the next release, and start watching the feedback.

The developers are still working after launch on the next set of features and fixes.

This is how release planning has worked, well, pretty much forever.

Me? They’re fighting against the drust, I’m playing a Kul Tiran.

Also, I like their whole aesthetic. Nature isn’t always kind and pretty. Also, no. Ardenweald is the Unseelie court.

I guess there are outliers then.

At least you seem to be doing your D&D homework well.

For me the DK set needs to look metallic, spiky and possibly glowing. Not Flowery.


I’m a writer, I guess originality comes easier to me :man_shrugging: .

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/10 char

Not every DK fits into the Necrolords. Some, like Night Elves and other druidic races might still feel a deep connection to nature.

Some might want to inflict pain on others alot, so Venthyr is a natural choice.

Some might be traumatized and want to forget it. So, Kyrian.

I mean I want to go Necrolords for the aesthetic. Problem is it’s trash for PvP.

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What’s truly depressing is that I think basically everyone expected that to happen when talent rows first introduced. Because they reflected different levels, it followed that as the levels increased (i.e., with a new expansion), that a new row would also appear.

In fact, that’s what originally happened! They were first introduced in MoP, and then an additional row came in WoD. But then strangely, the rows stayed the same in Legion, and again in BFA, making classes be basically identical from 100-120!

Why did they happen? The borrowed power mentality basically. Instead of giving another row, Legion gave people artifacts, and in BFA, it came in terms of Azerite, and so on. I imagine it was done due to fear of giving players too many spells, but it also resulted in the core spells for each spec being much weaker with the expectation that the borrowed power would fill in the gaps. Sadly, that also now makes them depend on the borrowed power, which makes specs bad when the borrowed power is bad, while also making classes static until end game when the borrowed power is gained. The level squish is now being done to actually help hide this fact.


They would really have to outdo themselves to make an expansion worst than BFA. I think it will be more of a case of “This expansion has some pretty shifty systems but at least didn’t made me quit one month into the expansion like BFA.”

Systemlands will absolutely not be an expansion worse than BFA.
But it does the potential to become an expansion more disappointing than BFA due to failing its great potential due to stubbornness.

Something good can still be disappointing due to the expectation/potential of it being great/amazing instead of just good

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