How many days until "They'll fix it in 9.1"? Maybe Blizzard have learned?

That is also what I wonder about all who defend Blizzard’s obviously bad decisions for literally no gain, breaking the unity of the voices in the forum.

At least strikebreakers need the money.
What is people deal if others want the systems of an expansion to start in their x.3 state for once and save them a year of inferior experience.


Kyrian MM is looking pretty strong with resonating arrow in pvp, so that’s pretty good.

Aimed shot is pretty nasty.

Both on opposite ends of the spectrum, both are very weird stances to me. I’ll never understand why someone talks so badly and spends so much time trashing a company and game that they appear to hate, and at the same token I feel the same towards people who defend that company like they’re in a cult.

Just odd stuff.

I’m looking at necro because of the 3% focus regen from death chakkram .

From what I have read in the hunter beta there is a lot of focus issues especially with AiS and AS costing more plus rapid fire being nerfed. Also Trueshot I believe is eating up a bit of focus.

If you go into something expecting to hate it that will be the outcome no matter how good it is or isn’t.

I can’t wait to be top for one patch and then get nerfed into the ground!

It happens every expac to priests so i’m not going to be shocked if it happens this time.

So excited for that!


Because the opposite of love in games is indifference and not hate*.
The stage of “hate” means there is enough love left for one to want to save a ship on a bad course in contrast of walking away without looking back.

This is the stage where one still tries to appeal to reason and emotion with the captain and their lieutenants.

PS: Unless we talk about gaming journos. Those guys hate games without ever loving them.


Pretty much. If I didn’t love this game I wouldn’t care about what’s coming.


Yes, I’ll also add - it doesn’t matter how many people are subscribed, bur rather how much money that earn from those people in the game.

You’re on OCE, playing a healer, playing the most meta healer. Of course you’re going to have an easier time pugging.

Like grats, you found great pugs. I couldn’t.

They’re elitist clods and then they scream bloody murder when you’re not some ‘roleplay filth’ and play the game somewhat.

I hope Ion chases every single one of them out.

The less people who play the game the better it will be!



Some people are an active drain on the community and chase out others with their toxicity.

Such as the trolls who talk about a meaningful choice and RPG elements that don’t exist within these layered systems with massive power disparities?

I get calling out players for being a “bad” is toxic, but usually it’s done out of frustration by players who’ve been here for 16 years and can spot the broken systems from a mile away.

The covenant system is too complicated for its own good. Everyone can agree player agency and choices within the story are great features. Sadly the covenant system fails to give us that so most of us just want decoupled player powers from the asthetics at this point. The failures in Legion and BFA to address the disparities from these badly designed systems are proof enough we can’t trust this dev team to make the choices competitive let alone balanced.

We’ve had two expansions in a row where when they finally “fixed it” we were on the last patch. Then they throw the baby out with the bathwater and try to reinvent the wheel all over again.


You have skipped over some phases
Pre-release patch It will be better when you get to level 60! (Or why class tuning is all borked up)
Release day - “It’s just new release learning curve!”
30 days post release, content consumed - “9.1 will fix everything and give us real content”


Exactly this. I was in BfA Alpha and it was basically the same as BfA launch, but with a slightly worse frame rate.

i like these threads.
truly … to think theres gana be a fix in 9.1 is a little funny xD i reckon they will just dig there heels in more like a spoiled child.


Apparently 159+ people need to unsub from this game and find something better to do!

Chase who out? Players who want to experiment with Covenants and possibly make their own builds without having to worry about restrictions?


I’d rather they tune all the abilities than eliminating covenants mattering besides transmogs.

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