How many days until "They'll fix it in 9.1"? Maybe Blizzard have learned?

Whatever you need to do. :roll_eyes:

Lmao, they are not going to change because you guys said it , its all legitly planned
ML took 7 years to get rid off from Cata to Legion.

Common tactic from Blizzard nerf it then settle with a compromise just like flying

They had every intention of removing flying.

It wasn’t like in Legion or BFA where they knew flying would eventually come. They actually had to develop sections and prepare them for flying post-launch due to the decision to allow it.

In shadowlands, it’s currently unclear if they will even allow flying again. There’s still no pathfinder achievement in shadowlands, and they are doing further things to remove transport such as the flight whistle and being able to mount in the Maw.

For whatever reason, they are working overtime to reduce how fast we can move from point A to B.


I’m really not sure if I should pay attention to the ramblings of a man who thinks ML was only added in cata…

This weeks DL comic is relevant too

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Oh wow that was good

Engagement metrics. Since sub count isn’t good advertisement anymore. It doesn’t matter if 1 or 2 000 000 people spend 2 hours doing simple tasks, because the metric doesn’t change.

Nope PL was added duh, you listen or not it wouldn’t matter bro. :rofl:

It is what it is.

Blizz is hardly surprising if you’ve played through a few expansions that these type of “see i told you so” posts are hardly meaningful anymore.

Why because everyone already has a good idea how things will go because blizz haven’t really changed how they work.

Case in point…if they had changed, then the covenant “issue” would be largely a non issue now.

Tldr you are not a genius or clever to predict the future on this

As a very longtime player, Keydar tends to nail the issues of the game in his comic

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You have nothing better to do with your spare time?

With them destroying mythic plus it doesn’t matter anymore. As the great asmongold once said, They don’t need to worry about covenant choice if no one is going to do mythic plus.

Everyone who doesn’t raid at a Mythic level will be doing Mythic + for a weekly 226 piece.

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Destroy is a strong word… but close to accurate

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Do they do Q&A sessions any more besides doing the reddit or talk to the so called 1% elitist streamer ?

I honestly don’t remember any of the Lore/Watcher q&as that came with the submit your questions in GD during BfA

Yeah man, my marksman hunter has been FOTM all bfa.

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So people are not allowed to be critical of things they like ?

THey have to either like everything about wow including broken systems or they hate the entire game?

So what shades of pink with purple polka dots is the sky in your rping world?

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Well if it is that bad they’ll fix it in 9.3…

Actually they are tying it in with your covenants renown

Like I said earlier we haven’t been FoTM since legion launched heck we’re the red headed step children of specs