How many days until "They'll fix it in 9.1"? Maybe Blizzard have learned?

Because I don’t have respect for people who pay money for their accomplishments and try to talk down to others, whilst using their own paid carries as a selling point as to why they’re better than other people.


One singular key does not invalidate the rest of the achievement. I’m not talking down to them, they talked down to me only for me to throw it back in their faces.

I don’t respect people who falsely accuse others. I also dont respect blood elves on principle.

Deny the carries all you want. IO documents all.

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All you have evidence of is that a group of people invited me to do a key with them. I mean, you can be pigheaded and believe whatever you want. But I did not pay for a carry.

You’ve already made up your mind so it’s impossible to argue with you. Goodbye, you’re not worth interacting with. I’m glad I’m on the other faction, wouldn’t touch the Horde with a ten foot pole because of players like you. The only thing the Alliance has to deal with is HMP.

God I hope your wrong because lols

why I laugh at carry threads really.

When on telework I actually got to see one of my us guilds run helper runs. I’d have jumped in but was teleworking. Otherwise it seemed to basically be join, don’t suck horrendously and at least have a cloak. Not a great cloak even.

Also stuff like this happens when you put crafting mats in high end content lol. 90% are pro farmers they can give up the 10% to non screw ups.


And how long will that be fun? A week or two?

They’ll probably be easier than it is now by the time we’re heroic geared in SL but yes Legion Mythic will feel harder as a fresh 60 than it is as a 120 at the moment.

That’s a potential deal breaker for me as I spice it up with say warlock and s.priest.

I don’t always spam easy mode with DH or BM hunter. I go lets work on the cloth tab of mogs today. And some days even now I don’t like even WoD Mythic on s. priest. I don’t fear death from mobs. I fear death from boredom as that just grinds.

Since i have so many mission table runes I pop these too. It doesn’t really help imo.

That’s fair. I’m hoping it’s something they address sooner than later. :confused:

Woah. 9.1?? That’s optimistic. I’m betting 9.3 if at all


Based on BFA it sounds about right. I have way less issues across many classes these days.

Once all the rental power systems up one can find many reasons to like even “bad” specs. It has turned unloved melee around for me. I get beat up. I beat things up. Once of these is going to proc a kick butt corruption?

Well then…beat me down mobs as I the more you hit…the more proc rolls I take. One of them…is going to whoop your butt hard.

Why I look at death of corruption with mixed feelings. I am goin to miss some effects. Happiest day in my s. priest’s life was getting twilight (I don’t spam 8.3 enough to buy this tbh with her).

Sad but true…I can almost rely on it being better damage dealer than void form. A return to straight void form damage dealing…ugh.

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I can’t wait for the QnA session where they tell everyone…

“Yeah. We were told through extensive feedback and we went ahead with it anyways. As we saw, it didn’t go quite as planned”

…and then do the same song and dance in the next expansion. It baffles me that they think this progression of having something broken and then spending the entire expansion fixing it is fulfilling in the slightest. They aren’t stupid. They have to be doing this on purpose at this point…


This would be admitting fault. Current lead can not do that. Would be more like… “We felt we could really get the numbers right and deliver something amazing. What we put out wasn’t up to players standards.” Thus passing the blame onto us for not liking it.


All non-Night Fae DKs are up first.


Quel is brazil iirc.

All my keys are pugged. I have pugged 20+ Kings Rest. Come up with a better excuse.

Who the hell needs a carry for motherlode. This season in particular it’s as much of a free win as Junkyard.

I mean, luckily it looks like you aren’t even going to play the expansion (with hope). Also, I’m happy I wasted enough of your time for you to look me up on IO. I hope you feel proud of yourself kiddo.

Please continue to feel like you’ve been betrayed by Blizz and unsub like the rest of you whiney babies.

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Lol. Exactly. There were a bunch of streamers and their fanbois crying about how we had to be patient and the .1 patch is the first chance to fix things. Then, the .1.5 patch as the .1 patch was really too soon to fix “new” issues. Then .2 and so on. I wish I could give you my daily allotment of likes.

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Took a whole 30 seconds and I have the next 2 weeks off work so plenty of free time.

It’s a bad sign that the only people excited about a new system are only excited because they think it will hurt other players.


i have multiple comments in the thread, just saying lol

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