We heard it in Legion as well… and WoD… Wasn’t here for MoP as I left half way through Cata.
That all? So if you are decent enough to time exactly 12 keys over 15 (not at all suspicious buyer alert) how did you fail so horribly at a 10?
From what I remember in MoP, it was that you were forced into doing dailies pretty much everyday to unlock your valor gear so that you don’t get left behind.
Yeah I had forgotten about that, thanks for the reminder /sarcasm
I dont remember every run I go through, but it was probably just a run with guildies to get the loot chest on gearing characters. Because that’s what guildies do for eachother.
As for the 15s, there’s no incentive to go above it. I got my achievement and mount, no other reason to bother going higher than E-peen reasons. I mean, you’re entitled to think its carrying, but I dont have the money for that.
It just shows you have a bad personality that you automatically assume the worst of somebody just because they disagree with you.
So they broke mog and mount hunting?
I knew of loot changes. Not happy but livable.
But I was not looking at making run x (many x’s done) for invincible be no/low pay, probably a failed run and take work to do it.
Let me know about the fail in the speedier time it is now makes it easier to deal with. All I ask really lol.
I accept the fails. If fail ice crown fails sigh, and on to the next one. Then next…then another alt or 2 Repeats the rotation.
Why are all your 15s in groups with Oceanic Players who do all their keys in the mid +20s? Sounds like a carrybro to me.
They’re all oceanic? News to me, cause that’s not what most of them are.
All you’re doing is displaying just how overwhelmingly toxic the WoW community is. It’s not the top 1%, those guys are chill. Its the ‘upper middle management’, like you all.
On top of scaling issues, I’m worried about the Maw debuff. I’m surprised that not many people seem to be talking about it given how much hate there was for visions timegating.
You’re right. I’m sure the multiple groups of 4k IO players from Quel’thalas just jump at the chance to do +15s with you because of your glowing personality
Good thing I tokened up till feb. if not resolved by then I foresee a break. Not rage quit, break.
Some nice edit 9.2.x gear catchup and hope for better times later in expac.
If I don’t raid or death to run current stuff at high level…I sure as hell won’t raid or death for Outland raids lol.
That’s reasonable. I did the same thing from WoD-BfA. If things are still too broken in Shadowlands, I’ll probably unsub and come back after a year or so.
I got a carry for King’s Rest because Alliance pugs are incapable of doing that dungeon. There, are you happy? One dungeon. Congrats. That still doesn’t invalidate the other dungeons.
But whatever, I’m glad the game designers are completely ignoring you people. Feels incredible.
Typical RP server reply
And your SOB.
And your UR.
And your ML.
So on and so on.
Bruh you understand that the raider io website documents who you did runs with, right?
Its a handy feature to use when people like you want to act like a literal god for whatever reason.
I would just quit while you’re ahead.
Wasn’t a carry.
Wasn’t a carry.
Wasn’t a carry.
You have no evidence of carries. I admitted to the singular carry that I ever paid for. But whatever, keep spewing your vitriol
Just quit while you still have a shred of self-respect bro.
You heard it here folks, if you’re a group of friends running a dungeon and you invite someone from the DPS queue. It means you’re a bunch of carriers. Someone should tell you so you can start charging for it!
Why dont you have some respect for other people and you might get it in return?