How many blood elf leaders will die in Midnight?

The ritual they performed that was so evil that Dar’khan himself elected not to use it is the act.

Do not downplay canonical events.

Yeah? I know.
I don’t know how you aren’t grasping this, but he’s holding Horde to a standard he isn’t holding the Alliance to.

“b-b-but horde d-does e-e-e-evil.”
yeah and so does the Alliance.

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Is it evil? Or dangerous? What is the wording here? Did the scenario ages ago.
The blood elves that became void elves were reckless, not evil.

Objectively. Unarguably. Canonically completely. Wholly. Fully.

They are literally in permanent peril of becoming Old God drones.
It’s even in what’s his face’s click voice lines. Umbrix or whatever.


Ok, I checked everything, and you made up a lot of things.

The void is an evil power in nature one might say, but we had shadow priests and warlocks for ages.

During thr Velf unlock scenario, Umbric’s notes and the questline just says this:
1: he is researching the void so he can use it for good (with the word good being clearly said here).
2: he found the notes Dar’khan had, and they mentioned the existence of a world (basically telogrus), but that he abandoned the research (no reason given here, not once said because it was too evil or anything like it).
3: Umbric found telogrus, and the artifact, and they were researching it.

They never once sought to do any evil ritual, they were just researchers messing with the wrong forces.


Shadow priests use shadow magic. They do not use old god magic directly.
Void elves do.

They performed an act and ritual so evil that Umbric himself admits they are permanently being tempted into corruption.

Shadow priests are not.
Warlocks might be, idk. I didn’t defend warlocks or Shadow priests. I pointed out that the alliance void elves performed an act so evil that their souls and bodies are permanently changed by the evil of the act, and for the rest of their lives they face old god corruption.

So no, I didn’t make up “a bunch of things.”

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Citation please.

They are corrupted by the void, They are in constant danger, yes, but tell me where does it state that the ritual (which wasnt a ritual, they found a box and were trying to see what was inside) was an evil action.


Dread like to make up his own head canon.

I really don’t think risky=evil tbh.

Halduron’s certainly in trouble but I really don’t think our paladin atoner is flagged for death. If anything, a Light (good) vs Void (bad) war in the blood elf homeland puts Liadrin in the running for that expansion’s principal character, if it’s not just Alleria again.

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I went and double checked and they didn’t do the ritual Darkhan did, so you’re right.

Drathir’s quest for power led him to seek the fragments of an ancient world, one teetering on the brink of the void itself.

His notes said it existed within a rift in the very fabric of reality. He never found this place… but I have succeeded where he failed. The way will soon be open to us!

Drathir believed this site held an ancient object of unspeakable might. Perhaps this will be the key that allows us to gain control over the shadows.

They just opened pinhead’s puzzlebox and let an ancient evil free and got corrupted by the void/old gods in one move.

But you know, draining a Naaru and not being corrupted by anything (or freeing any evil at all) is so much worse.


I don’t hate him but as access to the Sunwell itself is policed by the Ranger-General, Halduron Brightwing, I wouldn’t be surprised if he ended up dead.

Omg Lor’themar better not died. I’m ok with Tyrande or Shandris Feathermoon dying. But we know it will be on horde side.

At this point we’ll just have to wait and see because outside of the most vague premise for the expac, they haven’t said much about what will actually happen.

I mean, I’m trying to be positive about the hypothetical. If senseless deaths are on the table, then anyone’s a candidate to be on the chopping block, with no logical reasoning.

To be clear, I wasn’t saying, “I hope Liadrin dies because of X.”

I was saying, “Well, if they need to justify a death, maybe Liadrin because of X.” I’m not saying the Blood Elves cannot be flawed, merely speculating that if there’s a reason for Liadrin to die, it’s that she has a replacement that’s been set up since BC, and maybe the Devs want to distance the Blood Elves from that part of their history.

The thread’s talking about the Blood Elves, not the Void Elves. I’m not making a, “Oh the Blood Elves are more eviler than the Void Elves and need to die,” statement or comparison.

The premise of the thread is who among the Blood Elves’ roster could end up dead in Midnight. I gave thoughts on who is and isn’t safe and why. Their morality, past crimes, redemptions, and how that compares to anyone else, was not factored into it.

Maybe realize this thread wasn’t about the Alliance?

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Arator could also replace Lady Liadrin.:wink:

Arator isn’t even a Blood Elf. He’s not even full elf. He just lives in Silvermoon. Salandria would be the better option. Is a Blood Elf, always lived there, is the daughter of Lady Liadrin, is also a Paladin and also being trained by Lady Liadrin.


Maybe Arator will become an important character in Midnight (I hope🙏), he would be a perfect ambassador for elven reunification and he could be the leader of the horde and alliance paladins.

Basically the Horde plot since Cataclysm.


Lol stop trolling


To be fair.
The Blood Elves never betrayed Kael’thas.

Kael’thas betrayed the Blood Elves.