How many blood elf leaders will die in Midnight?

So since Blizzard loves to raise the stakes by killing of Horde NPCs place your bets here now how many of them will eat it when the Void invades. I am curious to see who is hated enough that they hope them bites the dust first.


If they die, I hope it is at the hands of the Amani, not the Alliance or the Void.


I am not optimistic. After the death count of BFA the Horde is basically the whole of GOT. No one is save under Blizzard writing.


All of them. I spoke with Metzen yesterday and he promised there will be an epic CGI cinematic where Garithos resurrects Kael’thas and then kills him for fun while the MoP inn kazoo music plays in the background.


Not enough.

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Envy that blood elves are better then your human simps with blue eyes?

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Of course you’d stan a side of crack addicts. Game recognizes game.

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Blood elves are my second favorite of all fantasy races right after Tieflings.


Cool, now scour across all fantasy worlds and tell me who asked.

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The OP made a thread. It is a public forum. You came into a thread they made, huffing off your own supply to ….

… release some fanatical delusional fever wet dream.


If this were another game or medium, I’d say it would be interesting to see how Thalyssra and the belves would deal with the loss of Lor’themar. Would Thalyssra now rule both belves and nightborne or would another belf take Lor’themar’s place?

They could even do the cliche of Thalyssra being pregnant (I know elves have a difficult time getting pregnant so idk how I feel about that actually happening buuut I do like half races and I think a belf and nightborne cross would look great! Not that players would get access to those customization options.)

But since this is wow I’m guessing the best we’ll get is at least one of the horde leaders getting corrupted by the void. Whether or not they manage to cure it or we have to kill them (probably kill since horde characters get killed) it’s up in the air.

I would like to see interactions with the belves and Amani trolls, with some positive and negative ones. I feel like I’m setting myself up for being disappointed thinking of all the things that could happen (and might happen but only off screen and mentioned in one line of an option quest.)

I have considered the idea of Kaelthas returning and burning Lorthemar to cinders in order to become ruler of the Elves.

That would be a dark story line, to be sure.

I just don’t like the idea of a Regent Lord declaring the monarchy is over - that has a whiff of self serving job security.

It would be disruptive… but I like the idea of Kaelthas returning, strolling up towards Silvermoon, and being stopped by Lorthemar. Then, Kaelthas burns Lorthemar and his retinue to cinders. He continues forward to Silvermoon. Rules the Elves of Silvermoon. And sits on the Horde Council.

Like: “wut?”

That story would be a lot more interesting, me thinks.

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Hopefully none. The Horde has lost enough leaders.

I don’t think this will happen, because Lor’themar talks with Kael about his leadership and while we still don’t know what took place in that conversation, Kael must have approved because Lor’themar is still Regent Lord.

Lor’themar has also been a much better leader than Kael. Kael spent most of his time in Dalaran, wasn’t even in the city when it was attacked. Then when he was supposed to be going off and finding a cure for Belves’ he got mixed up with the very Legion that poisoned the well to begin with.

I don’t think Kael should ever be their leader again. He’s too emotional and arrogant.


Probably Halduron and Rommath.

Halduron screams expendable

Rommath will likely be replaced by the pathetic and cowardly Aethas


Oh Cursewords: I love when you bully idiots.

Though tbf the scenario they laid out was pretty funny.


This is probably the only scenario that would make me interested in modern Blizzard Elf-lore.

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I personally think if Kael is brought back to life, it should be as a vampire and he should lead the San’layn. They should be stationed where Deatholme is now. The San’layn had joined the Horde in BFA.


I…I actually don’t hate this idea at all.

I would love to see some blood elf demon hunters swearing loyalty to him as well. I sure as hell never betrayed Kael. I just got locked away by night elves for a few years.

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Okay, that is the only way I’d be fine with him coming back. I’m not fond of dead characters coming back to life(or undeath). Ysera came back and everyone was like ‘you’re different’ but it amounted to nothing other than benching malfurion again and her passing on the aspect title to her daughter.

If he were to be a San’layan upon coming back(and makes me wonder if he’d need to have someone go to SL or if that was just a fae thing) then that means we’d get actual playable San’layans on the horde!


He could be cursed to vampirism and brought back somehow to atone for his mistakes in life. It’d be a way to see him actually redeem himself instead of just the shame quests in Revendreth.