How many blood elf leaders will die in Midnight?

IF the Horde cried any time a race leader is ousted the game would be over by now.

Only if the writers cannot do anything else. They can. We have to wait and see if they do.

So far it was Garrosh, Cairne, Vol’jin and Rastakhan. Galylwix and Sylvanas were exiled. If we add side characters the list would even be longer.

Gallywix and Sylvanas exiled themselves. If they keep killing off leaders they’ll have nothing left. And I feel like the game is too profitable for them to want it to end. I’m not gonna make up things to be anxious about.

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I hate Gazlowe and Baine hard like we took the worst turn possible.

I like Gazlowe. Baine needs better writing. Gallywix was a slave driver and you only need to play through the Goblin starting zone to know that he is not good for the Goblins and he did really nothing for the Horde but influence the decision to go into a senseless war.

Leaks suggest he will lead a communist uprising in the first content patch of TWW.

You mean apart from being a sidekick to Anduin?

He was a dystopian capitalist by the book. That is what drove people to play Goblins to begin with. Some times being a slapstick joke is enough to tell a good story.

It’s not communist lol. He just gives his people something better than slavery.

Apart from sitting around doing nothing.

I don’t know one person who played a Goblin because of Gallywix lol. I was driven to create two of them because I just like the race themselves. They are a good contrast to the Gnomes.


I have two goblins too. A Goblin mage with glasses and a pirate like rogue.

Well, the deaths would have to have meaning or purpose.

So, I can see Halduron going out, but not before finally getting built up into a good character, as that’s just how Blizzard does things. Between two Windrunners and a reunification plot, I expect room would need to be made for a Windrunner Ranger-General, and throwing him on the altar of plot sacrifice would be one way to achieve that.

I imagine Lor’themar is safe, as there’s no clear indication of who would end up as Regent if he died. So, unless we see some random Sunstrider pop in (or Kael’thas somehow returns), I don’t think he’s in any immediate danger. I suppose it also depends on whether or not Quel’Thalas emerges from the expansion as a proper nation, or if all the elves unite into a single Empire again. Even then I could see him getting a nice, quiet retirement.

Rommath is probably safe as well. There’s no real replacement for him as the Grand Magister of Quel’Thalas. Astalor Bloodsworn is about as close as it comes, but that’s a stretch. I don’t consider Umbric to be a suitable replacement for Grand Magister either.

Liadrin is absolutely at risk, in my opinion. Salandria is all grown up now, and doesn’t carry the same… stains, Laidrin does. Ultimately, I could see the writers wanting to have a new Blood Knight Matriarch who’s hands are cleaner as the narrative moves forward.

Those are my two coppers on the matter.

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Did I miss something? What did Liadrin ever done wrong to deserve being replaced? Does she not meet the alliance seal of approval of good characters?

Nobody would miss him really. His ties to the Vereesa are borderline treason.

He is bland and boring just like Baine.

The only one I care about. If he is alive at the end of The world soul saga I am happy.

The whole, tortured a Naaru for power thing, I suppose.

Liadrin dying off in some heroic self-sacrifice paves the way for a leader of the Blood Elves’ Paladin Order who never tortured a Naaru for power. If you really need an Alliance spin on it, then Salandria also never raised a blade against the Alliance.

Yeah that will be it. Blizzard removed all leaders over time that ever looked at the alliance the wrong way. God I hate this game so much.

This is WoW so no, not necessarily. :crazy_face:


Pretty much not a single Horde leader had a good death similar to Varian. Compared I mean. They were shock value deaths in Game of Thrones style to make the viewer feel bad.

Only if they expect to put a fully good and redeemed Sylvanas back there. But none of the Windrunners are Belves and at times have been trouble for Belves, so I don’t know about that one. How about after losing 90% of their population that Blizz goes and picks on someone else?

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That was redeemed and I don’t see why Belves have to be completely good. They can be flawed. Other elves are allowed to be.

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If? That has happened 100% of the time so far.

Void Elves did an act so evil that they are permanently in danger of becoming mind and soul controlled by Old Gods.
This is canonical fact.

The Alliance allows Death Knights and Eredar.

Maybe, idk, don’t hold Horde characters to standards that you don’t hold the Alliance to?


Researching a void artifact trying to figure out whats inside is very dangerous, unwise, and a terrible idea in general, but there is nothing evil by the action in itself.

Allowing Death knights is the same moral standard for both factions.

Eredar is a big stretch, but even tben, they’re canonically a very small group under heavy supervision, so It is more like a parole really (just ignore that probably 90% of the draenei characters created from 10.1.7 onwards are man’ari).

But, I do agree that the past of the blood knights should not influence any decision making towards them being trustworty or not, a big theme with the light is redemption after all, and the Naaru willingly giving itself to cleanse the sunwell is that, an act of redemption.

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