How many 60's do you have?

somewhere around 30 ish

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Just one lvl 60. My Draenei Arms Warrior, I got her to lvl 60 and then realized that I didn’t want to do max level content with her, so now I am leveling an Unholy Dwarf Death Knight that I think will be my main going forward.

Five now, but I have a sneaking suspicion not everybody will make it into the lifeboat this time.

that I play 2, that I have 7

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5 and a level 52 druid that I hate playing, but have had since Wrath, so feel obligated. Years ago, I swore I’d stop at four, then I tried a hunter again in Legion and loved it. Several weeks ago, I decided to try a priest, DK and paladin as a break. Enjoyed the pally and took her to 60.

I have 4. With a good 13 more 50s (one is 54, I guess). Couple duplicates because I switched main servers, otherwise I’d never actively choose to level a duplicate.

It’s actually a kind of sad thing, IMO. In the past, when I got bored, I could make a new character and see if it stuck to kill some time. Now the act of making a new character feels incredibly pointless because every class is caught up to the current expansion. I feel like I’ve lost that option.

I have a lvl 46 in classic, and a lvl 52 in retail so far. I am working on the others. In retail, progression is a big deal to me, so i usually get a taste of content before i lvl up.

I got all 12 classes up to 120, most are 180+

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hey this is fun.
I’m actually the only one on my server with 12 chars huh.

The sad thing about that website is the only people it shows are people who added their characters (or people who had their characters added by someone else).

Yeah, I figured some data must be missing.
No idea who added me though.

slowly closes laptop >_>

I’ve never added anyone but I do update the people around me in rankings, they are my motivation to do more :smiley:

Two. I switched mains, because I despise Eclipse.

I have 2, and I’m fine with that.

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Just this one. I only did it to go back to finish BFA Pathfinder which I neglected. Dinged 60 as I barely started the Ardenweald storyline. I’ll probably run a warlock through to actually complete the campaign.

I just have two, this one and a Priest I never play, and a Monk at 50. Those are my only 3 characters.

Part of me wants a 60 of every class, but any time I am on any character but my druid I just find myself wishing I was on my druid.

That and I hate leveling.

The OP is the saddest thing I’ve seen in a while. Get help, friend.

does resolution change how many characters show on the select screen? how u has 12 D:? i want

Zero (0). When I came back about a month ago I started a brand new account and have been turning off experience gain while leveling. None of my characters has made it out of Azeroth yet (except for the first in each faction to make 16-slot bags and pay for turning on/off the experience) although neither of them is past 20.

That will be like that as I slowly make my way through all the content which as I understand it ends at level 50. Then I shall consider buying Shadowlands or turning off the account and waiting for 10.0.

Besides this Druid, I have a 60 lock that just sits in front of Sha of Anger. After I came back to WoW from a long extended break, I don’t alt anymore. It’s too time consuming to just focus on one class much less 3 or more.