How many 60's do you have?

I got one to 60 and abandoned him.

In my opinion, hitting lvl 60 is where the game and the fun stops.

It’s way more fun just getting there, nothing to stress about, just PvP and dungeons to your heart’s content, and it feels ironically more balanced at lower levels, as long as there isn’t a 60 using party sync to destroy lowbies.

The amount of 60’s I see in lower brackets is disgusting, makes me think actual lvl 60 PvP must be awful if 60’s are actively avoiding it.

Only this one, unless her Classic incarnation counts in which case I have two.

Only one.

Only 2/4, to get xpac cap with covenants. At first I had planned to have 2, but I was driven by the 4 covenants. I wonder if you will have enough memory to play all 11 classes after the pre-patch. So, I can only play the paladin and my druid.

0, this expansion is boring as hell so i never made it past 54.

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Holy Sh**t

I’d need a lobotomy to even do that amount, holy azeroth.
I have like 5 level 60s but even that was me gritting my teeth to do outta boredom from my inability to find a main, and caring remotely for what SL has to offer.

  1. and it’s a headache trying to juggle all three of them.

1 max only.

  1. One of each class.

That’s why I don’t.

I keep this druid current, and just play the others as I please.


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I’m leveling alts by Timewalking.

its more fun…

I have just one, affliction warlock. But I started SL late in january. I have this character as my former main which I level in BGs with my brother, and a horde alt that I level in BGs by myself. I typically PvE on one main, and do a bunch of PvP alts, but I’m not looking forward to Torghast farm for legendaries, so I’m taking time in 50-60 BGs.

I have 4 :D. All are 200 ilvl except there priest but that’s changing.

1, that is it. I can’t bring myself to level another (this one).


I can’t get myself through the SLs intro much less slog through the story or dungeons over and over so far.

I only have 2 at 60.

14 60s at the moment.

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Two right now, which is weird for me. Either I have a lot of stuff to do on a main, or I’m leveling alts.

The current reward structure, the anima grind, and the scaling world really give me no desire to bring another alt to level 60, when I can just enjoy better content in the game on the way to level 50.

The only way I’d consider bringing more alts to 60 would be if I could do so without touching the Shadowlands until they’re there. I really dislike this expansion’s look and feel. :confused:

with zero intention of bothering to level more than one.
BFA sucked. SLs might actually get there. No reason to want to level alts thru crap content.