How many 60's do you have?

Came back after a short break to finish leveling my alts… And I’m done!

It feels good, I think my leveling time is done until the next expansion

These alts are fresh out of the oven and barely have 150ilvl. I’m going to be “that guy” in BG’s.


7, will be more when there is a maw skip…


Ah yes the Maw… I really grinded all the intro on all of them, then stopped leveling for a while and focused on 1-2 “mains”, then when the energy came back I started chaining dungeons on all of them in Threads of Fate, rotating rested XP.

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Show me your classic 60’s coward! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Well I have a 60 Mage on classic and 40 Shaman, but I haven’t played them since Shadowlands haha

Might lv a lock

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3 at the moment, but I stay busy enough when I’m on trying to catch up on renown and gear those that I haven’t bothered with my others. I had everything at max in BFA. Might take a bit longer in SL.


Usually I level much more to max but the storyline gets stale halfway through Maldraxxus and ToF is hellaciously slow.


3, I have no desire to level alts this expansion, it’s just not worth it


Just this one and maybe my Druid later today, maybe.

I ran the hell out of beta, leveled many toons, I’m paying the piper now. :sob:


Holy hell that’s torture right there for me. I mean, that’s a lot of 60 characters but congrats and all that good jazz I guess but no, hell no. I only have 3 at 60…well…only one of them is decently geared, the other two are 160 something ilvl.


6 working on 7 right now. Thinking 7,8 and 9 will all be Necrolords cause my next 3 priorities all happened to be toons I want as Necrolords.

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6, and there that number will stay until we have flying.

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I have 4 level 60s with all the Covenants but only one has done the campaign. My Necrolord/Maw walker has almost all the stuff unlocked until they add more or something.

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Same for BFA, I had leveled mine in 8.3, I figured i’d mix it up this time and start with the leveling and just have the level 60 bodies ready for the catch-up gear.

It was harder imo to wait until the end since I had to level then catch-up.
Don’t want to get caught in a “no essence, no cloak” scenario again!

I have only done the quest campaign once, All the alts have been leveled in dungeons, NO WAY i’d redo any of the quests.

Yea Beta will do that, Beta Burn-out :smiley:

My highest renown is 22… I should probably work on that next so Flying gets unlocked at the patch.


2 but the alt was a mistake I’m only ever going to play my main.

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None atm, but I just came back from a long break. I’m gonna eventually have three. 2 Horde toons and 1 Alliance. A Mage, a Priest, and a Warlock.


Soon as the twisting corridor mount became a thing, I leveled a bunch more alts. Mounting in the maw really takes the irritation away.


I have 5 60s and it’s staying 5 this expansion maybe next expansion ill go higher it doesn’t feel alt friendly to me.


I feel like this expansions floor is high for alts but the ceiling for a decent alt is almost unreachable.

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