Oh goodness, you have been busy
I have one
I’ll start working on alts after I unlock flying
Oh goodness, you have been busy
I have one
I’ll start working on alts after I unlock flying
Just one. I got like 3 or 4 guys stuck at 50.
Right now I’m leveling a lightforged pally to 50 for the armor unlock.
How did you get them from 1 to 50?
I gave you a like for that lol.
I have…
I’m slowly winding my way on more but so far that’s it. I’m a bit bored with the leveling process though.
They’ve been 50 since BFA. I also have a few other 50’s across the account on other realms, but I can’t do both faction or more than 1 of each class.
I know some people are out there leveling both factions…
I have 24 of them. One of each class on each faction. Just finished leveling them all yesterday
How many dungeons did you need to clear to get a level while on rested XP? So you didn’t do any of the zone fill quest bar thingy?
A rested dungeon gives about 40% xp. when not rested its about 25%.
I did not finish any of the ToF quests, earlier in the expansion you used to lose the quest at 60. At least now they stay with you so you can complete them after hitting 60.
i have 3 in each.
Just 2. Dk and Monk. DH on the way at 57 now. I’ve never been a big alt person + I hate playing any kind of ranged class/spec so that immediately eliminates a lot of options lol.
One… I just can’t bring myself to level another in this content…hic!
Until know I have just one paladin lv60 on horde side.
9, dozens more pending lol
Also you can go here to see big head altoholics https://www.dataforazeroth.com/leaderboards/alts
*“Alts” is only max level characters, Alt-Score is a number representing the total levels of all alts. Two 60s = 120 alt score but 2 60s and a 59 will only get you a 2 in “Alts”
Yo, how’d you get your character selection thing to show 12 of your character? It bothers me so much that mine just shows 11. Or is the pic edited? >.<
Yes, it’s edited haha. I’d love for the character screen to show 12…
I have 7, 3 of which are for covenant transmog purposes. I will get to them eventually.
Only have 3 atm. Rogue, paladin and this shaman. I’ll probably have 4 soon with my alliance shaman at 23 atm.
One, and I honestly regret it. The way this expansion is turning out, I’ll likely not level any more characters to 60 because despite Blizzard’s insistence to the contrary, there’s nothing fun about being weaker at max level. I was tempted by the covenant x-mogs, as they look fantastic, but that temptation all but evaporated upon discovering you can’t mog the looks unless you’re in the respective covenant.
My warlock, shaman, death knight, priest, and druid.
Exactly one. The “casual” effort I put into this toon is enough that leveling others feels hyper unproductive.