How make friend in Wow?

Hello everyone. I have been working hard to make friends in the World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Classic Era video game experience released on PC September 26 2022.

So far it has not been great, I do not seem to fit in very well with others. Someone in trade chat even made fun of me because I was selling something for higher then AH price!!! :(:frowning:

As my mother used to say, if you can’t beat them, join them.

Locked servers WAAAA!
Tuesday maintenance WAAAA!
Multiboxing WAAAAA!
GearScore WAAAAA!
Someone was mean to me WAAAAA!
#GreyParseLivesMatter WAAAAA!!!


And you wonder why you cant fit in lol


cringe post, u dont make friends in wow u use ppl to progress urself


Here is a step by step guide:

Step 1: log onto game
Step 2: Find wailing caverns group
Step 3: get invited to the group
Step 4: whisper “you tanking” to any member of the party
Step 5: they didnt whisper you or say anything back but consider them a friend


You’re not getting dungeon finder. How long is Mr. Birmingham going to live rent-free in your mind? :rofl:

Will be funny to see you say that them putting it in doesnt affect you when they do put it in. You seem like the type to rub salt and then when the tides change you backpeddle to the neutral foundation you laid for yourself so you dont look like an idiot later on. Especially when this company has changed their mind on many many controversial changes before.

Youre forgetting to mention the legions of bot farmers, thats your issue.

Also nice guild name. glrrr glrrr

Yes they add it


No salt-rubbing here, I’m just responding to the incessant whining. You’re the one rubbing salt in wounds by spamming the forums with this nonsense even though we’ve gotten our answer. :rofl:

Feel free to quote + bookmark. Dungeon finder was garbage then, it’s garbage now, and it will be garbage if and when they ever release it in Classic. :stuck_out_tongue:

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i’ll have you know that fake-crying seems to be bannable if reported…

don’t ask how I know. :frowning:

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Spamming how? Ive maybe talked about rdf half a dozen times since Wrath released.

Im not gonna bother quoting or bookmarking you for when they put it in. There are people worth far more attention than you when that decision is made.

I’m not saying you specifically are spamming the forums, but rather that the forums are being spammed about a dead topic that’s been officially answered multiple times months after the fact, and that you’re contributing to it.

It hasnt even been officially answered. When they said they are firm with it they later said they are closer to not never than ever.

They were even more adament on the no flying in WoD than they have been about RDF in Wrath. Youre gullible if you think anything is set in stone with Blizzard

How to make friends in Classic WOW.

A. Don’t boost or play a Death Knight. The levelling experience of 1-70 will allow you to run into other people questing and through the simple desire of clearing quests, especially group quests, you will spend more and more time together to the point you have a WOW friend.

B. Join a casual guild. Join a casual guild that likes to mess around in WOW. If you’re part of something serious, expect something serious. They aren’t your friends they’re business partners.

C. If A or B are not available, play Classic Era as not only will there be more people out there trying to consistently level or do other things, instead of chilling in Dalaran, the fact raids require 40 people will make you feel more desired and give you a chance to network with other casuals in raids hoping for a smack at the loot pinata.

The most important thing to keep in mind is that there are no friends in Northrend. I’ve levelled two characters from 70 to 80 and have met zero new people that weren’t already part of my guild unlike the 1-70 TBCC journeys I had.

Did you seriously say classic era and more people in the same sentence lol.

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I can queue up for warsong gulch right now and play with more players than Era has

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I know you didn’t quote me out of context, so I’ll explain it to you. If someone is trying to level from 1-60 and meet strangers out in the world to be friends with, will they have a better shot in Classic Era or Wrath?

Day in and day out people complain that there is no one levelling in old Azeroth anymore, and this idea that even in Classic Era it’s a wasteland from 1-60 moreso than WOTLK is unlikely.

They didn’t say they were trying to level 1-60 and meet strangers and even if they were going to, they’d probably have a higher chance at making friends in wrath because there is actually other players in the world.

I suggested they level 1-70 to meet friends. Please read fully before responding.

The post is about him making friends. How is leveling 1-70 going to make him friends? And better yet, how would leveling 1-60 on a stagnant server with 0 other players in the open world going to make him friends?