How long before we write the Community Council as a PR stunt?


Don’t make me pull up their announcements about this whole mess.


Everything a company puts out or does is a publicity stunt.

The issue is that if they really want to know what paying customers want to pay for, and what they will quit over, they need to do marketing research to content random samples of players.

To find out why so many players left, they need to ask a random sample of those players. The questions those players were asked would not only itemize the things on that players list of “things that were bugging me”, but also it would allow them to characterize players by playstyle, skill, etc.

And to do this properly, they would need to hire a company that specializes in this kind of research. That’s how marketing research is done.

It’s clear they haven’t wanted to know why players leave or what they want previously. They’d have to start caring about that.

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Oh, and it’s pretty easy to deem it a failure when they don’t actually do anything about the major game issues that people have been complaining about.

Maybe they will figure out they were wrong - in another year or so.


We should play a new game called “What do we get after the NEXT earnings call?”

Everything that any company does is done for appearances only and in bad faith? I think not. Publicity =/= “publicity stunt”.

No my theory is they picked people in some cases to reward them, full well knowing they wouldn’t make topics about the game at all. Never mind making topics that wouldn’t actually improve the game - you have to talk about the game to do that.

I’m sure that Activision is doing some kind of market research. I just don’t think that today’s gamers are really that interested in the MMO genre anymore. Even between all current games, I don’t think that number would be higher than what Wrath had at its peak.

Do it. Prove me wrong.

Ok, gotta stop you right there

FF14 had to STOP selling electronic copies of their game due to demand just this last month.

Gimme a break about the genre not doing well.


You are already wrong. Nothing more to prove.

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Well i cant argue with that logic. Have a good night!

I have no confidence that this is true, given that they’ve continued to tell us that player opinion is not taken into consideration. And for how many years did they not collect data on why players were unsubbing? Like, forever, because they didn’t care. That little 255 character text box was unusable as a source of data. And then they eliminated it.

Like taking milk from a baby.

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OK, but that doesn’t mean what you think it does. At WoW’s peak, there was like 12 million subs? 14 million? FF14 isn’t anywhere near that despite being a superior MMO. I don’t like to tell people things that I know will upset them, but the golden age of MMO’s has passed. It’s not coming back.

It’s a pretty big company. They’re doing market research.

If your point was that wow subs are decreasing because the mmo genre is doing poorly, I just pointed out facts that you were wrong.

We want to join with participants in regular live chats mmmm i think they should announce that live chat for Jan already and stream it to the general public. Missing Q&As with content creators that was the previous live feedback design.

That’s what the exit survey is supposed to have been doing for years now.

It’s hard to tell if they’re utilizing the data they already have though. I haven’t ever seen a post about the number one reason and what they’re doing to address it.

I wonder what happened with all the questions that are sent via Darkmoon Faire mailbox during Blizzcons…