How long before we write the Community Council as a PR stunt?

I mean I wrote it off as a PR stunt as soon as it was announced. The video for it felt extremely forced and not genuine at all.

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Not only that, but a shield from backlash. You know they’re 100% hoping that we unleash all of our anger on the CC when they continue to keep ignoring feedback. They’re expecting us to blame the CC members when it continues to happen, because it has the built in excuse of “CC members are just pushing their own personal issues and wants and aren’t listening to the rest of the community”.

Seeing how the few members that’ve posted in GD have been, I truly pity them for what’s to come, because they seem like they genuinely want to help and improve the game.

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Why is the chimpanzee on vacation?

And the sad part is, if this is true (my tinfoil hat tells me it is) then it is kind of working, people are overly critical of members of the CC as if they are employees. “They don’t speak on MY behalf, they don’t talk about the issues that concern me, they only accepted shills, there are too many streamers/not enough streamers” etc etc

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It wouldn’t be the first time they’ve thrown community members under the bus. They’ve done this to a few of their streamers/content creators now. Like, I genuinely used to think Asmongold was a terrible person trying to destroy the game through his influence and that Bellular was just hopping on the hate-train to drive up viewership, but after watching a few of their videos on youtube I realized that neither is the case.

Both seem pretty passionate in their love for the game and just frustrated at how it’s being handled and then being treated the way they have because they weren’t heaping praise on Blizzard. I don’t agree with everything either of them say, but the picture that’s painted here of them is totally off base.


You’re in denial dude. MMO sub numbers are way down when compared to the glory days. It doesn’t mean that you and I can’t still enjoy them. Don’t concern yourself so much with what other people think.

Why do you feel such a need to spout nonsense? It’s a you problem.

MMO’s like FF14 - you know, ones with content - are doing just fine. It’s ok, just because wow is down doesn’t mean you are less of a person, and failed at your PR schtick.


In fact, since you have nothing meaningful to add…

Off to the shadow realm with you.

The overall population of MMO’s is down from their peak…and pretty substantially. That can’t be disputed. I’m sure that some people still enjoy kicking around the hacky sack, but the craze is over. You’re getting really defensive about this. You’ll be able to play WoW for years, I promise.

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The Beta/Alpha forums used to be a viable way to give feedback and Blizz used to look at it and respond. I remember there being many conversations with Ghostcrawler on those forums back in the day. This isn’t true now. The current Blizz guys aren’t interested in really engaging with the community. It’s why I stopped posting in the Alpha/Beta forums. There’s just no point to it at all.



I am THE Senate!

I completely agree. The last time I felt they were even reading the feedback was Legion.


Remember this?

Development Update: A Message to the WoW Community

August 27, 2021 by [Blizzard Entertainment]

We hope you’ll see something from your own 9.1.5 wish list when we post the patch notes next week, and we’ll keep listening, refining, and building on that as we continue PTR testing and development of what’s next.

Creating World of Warcraft is truly a collaborative effort between the people on our team, across Blizzard, and all of you—and as we build, iterate on, and talk about what’s next, we hope we can demonstrate our commitment to making Azeroth the best place it can be for everyone.

— World of Warcraft Development Team

I’m not sure the CC has come anywhere close to matching up with this promise.

It’s only been over 4 months…


That is crazy funny, thanks for posting it.

No problem. I just thought it was an interesting look back, and relevant to the current discussion.

Just to be fair, I looked at the CC activity for the last few days.

Raid announcements and Burning Crusade.

That’s it. Nothing else.

The last post about PVP gearing in SL? 27 days ago.


Really wish some of the CC members would jump on these 9.2 notes about the rep grinds and it being exactly like 9.1 layout that everyone hated so much.

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What do you want them to do after they’ve said what they have to say? If I make a post and say “Hey, I need new laces for my boots”, if that’s all there is for me to say what more do you want from me? There’s no point for me to come back and say “Still need new laces”.

Maybe you should make a “I see there’s a thread on the community forums about pvp, it says X and I want to add Y to that”

It’s important to note that the CC only represents themselves. They can only give their OWN feedback.