A true hater you are I guess. No one playing hunters except the RSV lovers!
No, its the same… they are both ranged dmg. And if you want to play that card… old SV hunter goes into caster dmg.
A true hater you are I guess. No one playing hunters except the RSV lovers!
No, its the same… they are both ranged dmg. And if you want to play that card… old SV hunter goes into caster dmg.
Been MM since Vanilla and never cared for RSV, so try again.
They’re not.
It doesn’t exist anymore so you could put it in melee for all it really matters.
I’m genuinely curious. The way I see it, it’s not a melee-vs-ranged thing, but rather… hm, what’s the word? Archetypes, that’s the word!
I mean, when you ask people to describe roles found in fantasy games and stories, you’d get the usual: a priest/cleric, a mage/wizard (both “good” and “dark” types), a warrior, a rogue/thief, a shapeshifter, and an archer/ranger. Oh and a shaman.
Right there, it’s immediately obvious that archers are a very, very different archetype from wizards. People don’t lump them together.
But it seems that you do? Am I understanding your position correctly?
EDIT: the “RSV=caster” thing? Because RSV had some elemental-based damage? That’s not exactly accurate; a good portion of RSV’s damage was from poison. That’s more of the rogues’ thing. So you should be saying “RSV=rogues,” if you’re gonna use the caster argument too.
People were actually. It just wasn’t as common because most people understood that it would never happen because Hunter was a ranged class.
From what I’ve seen the only topics that contain this discussion are topics that are about Survival. Not every single thread. As for why we are ‘arguing’, it is because there are trolls on the forum (such as Azagorod) who, without reason, oppose bringing ranged SV back as a forth spec, and deride anyone who wants it returned. That’s the only real argument here: sensible gameplay feedback about returning a deleted spec versus senseless derision against people who want said spec returned.
There will always be an excuse to not talk about ranged SV. There was a troll a while back demanding people stop talking about it because it wouldn’t come back in Shadowlands. My response to them was the following:
Your post wasn’t as nearly as combative as the trolls, so don’t take the tone as being against you. I just wanted to express the same point I did here.
Assassination Rogues confirmed caster spec.
I would assume they added melee to survival because hunter used to be melee and ranged. I know it was basically a ranged class and because of mechanics they had to let them use melee weapons but because of that fact melee has been a part of hunter since classic. Im not say they should be ranged or melee, i am just stating what I am aware of.
Opinion wise, I love melee survival as it is the only naturey melee class i can play while still being a blood elf. Survival hunter melee is basically a dnd ranger which I really like. And the only nature class that actually lets you use melee weapons. Druid doesn’t really count as they have to transform to be effective.
Til blizz states to the hunter community as a whole that melee survival is staying as is and to get over it and realize range survival was dull.
Sure dude, just like it stayed how it was in Legion. Oh wait.
we shouldn’t be arguing between which deserves to be in the game. just keep melee survival as is AND MAKE OLD SURVIVAL A FREAKING SET OF TALENTS FOR MARKSMAN LIKE WAS PROMISED!
this isn’t an either-or situation. we can have both. people are just too stupid to realize it.
Blizzard failed at making it an option for MM. Besides, why should a large chunk of MM’s talents be taken from it to allow ranged SV to exist? Reintroduce ranged SV as a fourth spec. That will make everyone happy.
Or maybe let more skills be class skills and actually unprune the classes like they say they want to. That way we get more skills to choose from.
while you have a point, lets not act like MM uses most of its talents anyway. Most of MM talents in BFA weren’t worth taking and their single target set up for most the expac barely deviated from their one build.
Blizz being bad at making good talents in multiple rows doesn’t mean RSV should be forced into MM.
No it doesn’t but the point is, MM could spare the spots very easily.
Yeah, spare the slots and water down my spec… ef that. Give RSV it’s own spec and stop trying to force multiple playstyles into 1 spec.
That just means that Blizzard done messed up there too. Them getting their act together and figuring out how the heck to actually design the Hunter class would hopefully mostly resolve all of these issues.
That would be nice.
other than by not doing it, how did they fail? we never got black arrow. we didn’t get explosive shot, just that piece of crap skill shot with the name. we didn’t get any of old survival.
When people say to add SV into the MM talents, I question if they’ve even played bfa MM or the old survival.
Got a source on that?
Anyway, have you ever considered how, the reason there are so many melee-players as well as caster-players compared to how many physical ranged dps-players(or for the sake of generalization: ranged weapon-players), that this is due to how few actual alternatives for ranged weapon-gameplay there are in this game?
Especially considering how specific the few options we have for it are in terms of design and just that…gameplay.
When will you learn that it isn’t just about “ranged vs. melee”.
It’s also about how that fantasy is achieved. It’s about how it’s portrayed.
Once again proving your ignorance.
The intended fantasy of the old RSV wasn’t about making you a caster(magic user).
The only reason our old RSV-abilities were classified as dealing “magical” damage was because of how the game did not/doesn’t differentiate between Fire which was/is conjured from magic(like with a mage) or Fire that was/is just regular fire.
Poisons? Animal Venom? It’s certainly not a type of magic. But since it was classified as Nature damage, the game treated it as magic.
It isn’t, he brought it up that way. Its also a lot easier on a base level to make multiple casters than archer type of class due to the many elements of magic.
There’s no difference in terms of their role in pve / pvp content. Ranged DPS.
Im just using his derp logic. The old fantasy of RSV can easily be applied on MM… which part of it is already with MM or coming to MM. Would simply need to add a tiny bit and voila… Exotic ammunition. ( I personally wouldn’t add Black arrow back, didn’t fit the hunter. Felt more of a Dark Ranger theme for Sylvana’s allies )
Precisely not indeed.