How is Sub rogue not nerfed yet?

The representation doesn’t equal power argument is so dumb.

It’s very clear people on this game will play whatever they think is the most powerful class. Even if they have to change every week.

If rogues aren’t highly represented then they aren’t as broken as people whine about.

People watch a couple streamers dunking on people at 1400 and hop online to complain.


You’re pretty dumb

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Ye true arcane and outlaw 2 of the bottom 3 specs in top 5000 globally in SS

Please buff them blizzard

People play whatever class they think is best, it’s very simple.

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People play whatever offers them a means to advance with the least resistance. That’s not the same as what class is best necessarily.

What a bad player thinks is irrelevant to what’s op in the hands of a good player

90% of the people on this forum are bad players, they just regurgitate things they hear good players say, that have no effect on most people that play arena.

Then you get people saying x y and z are “broken” (arena forums favorite buzz word)

Because a 3k rated player stomps on it, but at 1800 no one plays it because it’s hard

Hard has no causation nor correlation with broken

Specs can be difficult and broken at the same time

The only time rep is relevant is when a spec has absurd variance with both historical rep and current rating

Why do so many people play DH, DH and warrior?

Why is there not so many rogues if they are broken?

We know for a fact people will play the class that offers the easiest rate of success, so make it make sense.


This is also the boat I’m sailing. I don’t care how they’re tuned, they annoy me and I hate them.

There’s the added wall that playing a Rogue is more difficult than playing a DH, Fury, whatever. So even if they’re broken (excluding when Assa can just tunnel out of stealth and win games) there will be less people playing them because people who reroll between DH, and Warrior (depending on which is the most OP) aren’t going to do well on Rogue no matter how it’s tuned.

Dh, dh(?), and warrior have high rep (historically) because they have relatively low skill floors which allows people to reach their objectives

The game isn’t balanced around 1800 or 2100 solo shuffle games

Outside of s1 of dragonflight how long has sub dominated lol, AND if just got a talent rework

Problem with sub rogues is they have an answer for literally every class. Exactly what is their major weakness? They have great magic and physical defenses. They have great burst. They have great CC. They have very good damage. Vanish is arguably one of the best escapes in the game, especially since rogues can now remove DoTs from themselves.

How is this even possible in a PvP setting? There must be an “important” dev team member maining a rogue. There is literally no other rational explanation.


It has never dominated at the average players rating, people just don’t like being stunned :man_shrugging:

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Sustained damage

The game isn’t balanced around the “average players rating”

It would be a pretty terrible game because you’d have to balance around every warrior leap charging behind pillar to start the match

The game is balanced around pve.

Seriously though, it’s surely not balanced around rank 1 players, it’s not balanced at all.

Rogue is no better than any other melee aside from enhance shaman

Rogue shines in high rated 3v3, in every other bracket and format a warrior is better

Believe me i’ve told others exactly how to beat us too. They just go around and around in circles complaining.

The problem with these whiners is they dont want to learn how to fight the class. they just want to aoe cleave zugzug W key with their cheeto’s dusted fingers into others and win, while using any of their CC on the offensive.

It’s simple to stop a sub rogue. Just save your CC for dances and its so easy.

This other hunter that cried -hard- in the PTR forums all day and night i told them how to use their abilities, but it always came back to why they “couldnt”. They dont care about how to fight them lol they just want to cry.

Games are still tilting vs unholy dk/frost mage games because of their AoE leveling teams, but our single target is big mean

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They do tuning that only affects pvp.

Oh, my bad, thought this was an actual discussion.

They do more pve tuning that wrongly effects pvp

Day 4 of asking for sub nerfs