How is Sub rogue not nerfed yet?

This is by far the most broken ridiculous class in the game but Blizz is clueless and nerfs everything else


Sub is fine. Nerf feral. :face_with_peeking_eye:


If you look at the representation instead of assuming you lost because of class imbalance, you would realize just how out of touch you are.


yeah because 80% of the rouge players don’t know how to play the game doesn’t mean the spec isn’t insanely busted

because it is busted


Actually, if you look at 2400 plus it’s mostly a bunch of welfare DHs and Dks, but Rogues are doing well collectively because all 3 specs are top tier. And Rogue isn’t even a shuffle friendly spec to play because people screw up your DRs.

Rogue’s never popular amongst players, but it still is a top tier arena spec because of its control and kit. It’s hard to imagine AWC without Rogue.

But to the point: Anyone can see people getting deleted in a Cheap Shot and can tell Sub has way too much burst for the CC it brings.

And idk how Assassin works but their AOE/cleave is crazy in BGs


Blizzard has consistently allowed sub rogue to be like it is currently so wouldn’t count on any meaningful changes coming its way.

What’s the context behind your selfie?

I thought hunters were gods in the level 10 pvp bracket?

If you watched the tournament today and saw sub go 17 wins and the 2nd place was 7 you would see that it is you that are out of touch


Pros play the game in a degenerate fashion because money is on the line. You are not facing tournament rogues… Also, rogue has never won Blizzcon. Quit acting like it’s something oppressive. The script for rogue has been available for 15 years. You should know how to stop it by now. When you see them initiate CC, use your CC on the rogue or their DPS partner. You lose when you CC offensively and dont have it to disrupt their go. Congratulations, you just learned how to beat every rogue comp.

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Rogue never made it to blizzcon until addons were allowed iirc. Or until combo point changes.

Anyway nerf rogues. Ops correct.


Havoc, UH, Arms, BM, Destro, Frost Mage and Elemental exist and you guys are complaining about Sub

makes me sad


I love killing hunter just like you guy love killing mage. But a good hunter can stay alive if he choose not to fight but always bad one try to fight back then die.

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Didn’t Whazz win Blizzcon and doesn’t he play rogue? (Amongst other classes) Hmm…


There hasn’t been a blizzcon since BFA? Over the last 2 expansions I’m pretty sure rogues won 90% of tournaments.


I’m not nearly good enough to comment on which classes should or shouldn’t be nerfed, but from a personal stand point, rogues are the only class that make me log off and consider no longer playing.

They are truly unfun to play against, and again are the only class that makes me feel like the game isn’t worth my time.

Inb4 git gud.

There’s plenty of things wrong with rogue…we all know duel needs to be gone among other things. But the reality for sub is that it’s damage is just too high for the amount of control they have.


yeah i get that. they give the impression that you can’t do anything , since you’re stuck in CC.
but the truth is, you can do stuff against them. their DPS is not threatening outside of CDs, they cannot go toe to toe with other specs, and they are squishy outside CDs.
contrast that to the current meta specs which are quite silly. arms will not die, havoc and UH have silly healing, and the mage will reset the fight 3-4 times

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lifetime 10 rating monk alt pretending not to be this guy

ymmv whether “shadycrits” is a rogue name more derisible than “xtrawideload”


And yet none of those specs make me feel so defeated. I still feel like I can play the game around them, sure sometimes I’ll get obliterated by a DH and go “whoa what hit me!” or I’ll be blasting into a warrior wondering how they are healing so much, but in all those match ups I still have some sort of player agency.

Fighting a good rogue you lose all control, literally. Physically lose control, and it becomes mentally tiring constantly going “man, I just want to play the game”.

Is there counter play? I’m sure there is, but it doesn’t feel like there is enough. I don’t have an answer to what could be fixed, like I said, I’m not a mechanically great player, I’m old, but I don’t seem to have this issue with any of the specs people mostly complain about, it’s just rogues.