How is Sub rogue not nerfed yet?

Outside arena? PvP balancing isn’t based off WPvP

referring to blitz brawl which will get a lot of balancing in the near future when personal rating kicks in.

Class balancing still won’t be based off of blitz brawl lol… And even then I’m not understanding your angle at all. Demo flat out counters sub, it’s a pain to go against as rogue

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I think this is the part I take issue with, putting aside your general snide demeanor, you are assuming my issue with rogues is lack of knowledge on how to deal with them. Which isn’t the case. Which I pointed out, in my second post. Here:

I do try my best to watch videos and practice when I can against rogues, but at the end of the day my biggest hurdle is just performing those actions. As I said earlier, last time I did arena was 2009, and I did alright back then, of course I was a lot younger :sweat_smile:

I don’t have such frustrations fighting, and i’ll just use them again because it’s the one we have been using, demon hunters. This isn’t something that you can argue and state i’m mistaken to feel a certain way as you did here:

The great thing about feelings, both positive and negative, are they are unique to the individual. Rogues invoke a negative emotion in me no other class does, not because I don’t understand them, or what I should theoretically do, but rather because I just can’t keep up.

I am well aware of where my shortcomings are, and while I think (hope) you mean well, your approach leaves much to be desired. You say you the game needs casuals, yet your actions would most certainly scare casuals off. Anyway, I wanted to keep this as polite as possible, while still feeling the need to point out your… less than ideal methods of helping the player base.

This is an example of a constructive post, that aims to point out potential deficiencies a new player might have, without ridiculing them.

Snutzs blizzcon win is 2012 where they 3-0d the finals as MLS with ven and kollektiv, no?

I think youre thinking of another tournament. Rogues win lots of non blizzcon tourneys.

Did he win another?

I reject your sad attempt to police the truth for insufficient coddling

“Woooo I’m in the game against other players! I’m pushing my buttons!”
Enjoying that is sad

Ah, well I guess I was wrong, and you did not mean well, nor are you actually understanding my position. I suppose I have wasted my time attempting to have a meaningful conversation.

I think this actually hints at something that has changed over time tbh.

In the past before classes got buffed defensively for several consecutive expansions, damage was more “true” - attacking someone made their health go down. Even on a lv 10 warrior charging in warsong gulch and hitting some 19 was like ok, 10% of his health is gone. 10 more times hes dead

Obviously, the 19 was at zero risk of actually dying but the 10 got to percieve their effectiveness, even though it would never hold water.

When the game was as simple as this we had way more new player retention in pvp, IMO. Im on my phone at work so i cant Elabourate further.

I think the enjoyment of flailing uselessly hints at the game having come so far where players dont even want to be useful. Just to control their impotent character is enough.

Not good lol

I’m having trouble finding it. I remember Rich hosting that one. I’m sure it was a Blizzcon and it was LAN too.

Sounds like an AWC invitational or something, or one of their community tournaments.

Well it was also part of the promo for the next Blizzcon and you clearly hear Rich yelling “Do not put Snutz on the bench again!”

This isn’t quite accurate, at least not for me. I of course want to be useful, it’s why I practice, it’s why I peruse the arena forums, and watch videos. What I don’t want is to be forced into feeling like i’m useless. Most of that is a mental block, such as accepting that sometimes you’ll be sitting in a stun, and being unable to control your character in a stun is effectively the same as being unable to hit your target or doing damage that amounts to nothing anyway.

But the feelings a new player gets between those two scenarios are vastly different, and this is a game meant to be enjoyed, no? Though I guess that does come down to a person by person case.

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Yeah i believe you. Just when i googled blizzcon winners snutz only appeared for the 2012 entry, so its probably some other big tournament

I do and don’t agree

They’ve added a bunch of survival tools for(probably) leveling and questing and raiding purposes, because taking responsibility for your own healthbar is engaging to many players. They add a bunch more pve mechanics that require everybody have a disengage or a sprint for the same reason. But they bleed over into PvP where the effect is as you say, reducing the stickiness of damage.

I’m hesitant to call it a bad thing though because the quiet part of sticky damage has always been healers taking responsibility from dps for replenishing health lost, and dividing the game into healers+their friends/dps with no access to healers is the single biggest mistake in the history of wow PvP

Engagements in basically every other PvP esport are extremely quick skirmishes for very good reasons

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why does that matter to 99.999% of the playerbase?

evidently most people are not at that level. most of us do other things rather than stream and chase the skill ceiling.
let’s say you are right, and a spec is stronger, the strongest, at the top of the very top. however, you look at statistics around and above 1800, and you see it is not performing that well, or at least, no where near the best.

how could you possibly justify a nerf to that spec? why? so streamer x doesn’t get his wins?

i trinket sap.

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So you’re saying if the majority of players are bad at rogue, a nerf isn’t justified?

i’m saying that the best way to determine skill levels and performance at those skill levels is through statistics.

saying that people are bad or people are good is evidence of nothing else other than you saying that they are bad or good. it’s an opinion.

let’s say a spec the most difficult to play, and if played correctly, it’s top DPS.
however, 99.99% of the players of that class are not top DPS, in point of fact, they are middle of the pack.
where do they end up if you nerf that class? the top 0.01% go to be middle of the pack, and the 99.99% go straight to the bottom, in overall DPS against other classes.

if you believe that the delta between exceptional players and average players is so large, then perhaps it would make sense to advocate for a redesign, other than outright nerfs, and bring that delta down

Damn the meme of sub being difficult to play is still alive in 2023.

Looks like everything is difficult for you.