How is Ret getting nerfed when it's MID?

That is 100% my entire point, thank you.

If you don’t care what we think, the why are you asking me questions concerning ret?

“Knee-jerk” eh? Tell us how you really feel about paladins… :roll_eyes:

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That’s usually how things work for a melee class.

If you want a ranged interrupt, you can play ranged.

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Being in a good spot and being a “perfect” spec are two entirely different things. No, that was never your point.

Try again…



Druid/Warrior/Rogue/DH/Hunter/WW all have instant movement capabilities, so you can probably make it to a 2s cast if you are like 20 yards out.

Shaman/DK both have ranged interrupts.

Ret the only one left out, so if you are slightly out of melee range or need to interrupt something important thats 20 yards or more away you probably aren’t going to make it.

You asked for flaws and I gave them to you, spew your nonsense somewhere else.

Hiding your profile just makes me think you have done 0 hard content and know nothing about the game other than your basic LFG activities.


Warriors don’t have a ranged interrupt.

Ret is a melee class, you can’t complain that your class is flawed because it doesn’t have all the perks of a ranged class.

Ret should never have been given the 20 yard range on Templar verdict.

Two charges of divine steed is good enough.

Oh WOW really? It’s almost like I didnt say they did, but they do have charge and heroic leap.

And what is your argument for this, other than you don’t like it?

Lets see some content otherwise you’re just going on ignore, I don’t care to argue with people who don’t play the game.

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Melee classes should not be given the perks of ranged classes with no downside.

Ranged has the benefit of being able to position themselves safely far away from their target but the downside is that they cannot move and do damage (need to hard cast many spells).

Rets get to position themselves far away from their target and move freely as every other melee.

It’s an imbalance and should never have been allowed.

Why do paladins get to be ranged casters that never need to hard cast a spell?

Ding ding ding…

His hatred for paladins is more than obvious. Nothing you say will change his mind. It’s really not worth wasting your time trying to have a legit discussion.


No downside, you likely wouldn’t even be able to beat a Tank in DPS if you stood at range the whole time.

Show me any Ret who is doing that, I can easily say they are bad at the game. You lose a SIGNIFICANT amount of Holy Power from not being in melee and the Art of War procs the spec depends on.

You can throw out a few abilities as you run in or out, that’s it, it works well with Ret because it has terrible mobility.

You are derailing this thread with nonsense that is objectively false, I won’t bother replying to this garbage again.


the reality is that rets deserve some sort of downside to their class playstyle, same as every other class.

you really shouldn’t complain that rets don’t have everything that every other class has because rets have ALOT.

i mean, rets were given battle rez at DF launch for “reasons”.

Why do rets whine so much.

I’ll say it again, let all other melees have range builders, spenders, give us a 10 yard stun, and remove our resource.

At the end of the day, Rets get to pew pew during mechanics. Mechanics are short windows and not the entire fight. Stop acting like mechanics force you out for an entire 3 minutes. It’s a few seconds, but when combined it adds up and Rets get to continue pumping while all other melee lose those precious seconds.

Secondly, how do Rets think all other melee interrupts?

They’re in melee range the entire time and have to run away from fire but somehow can get kicks in because they practice. Maybe you should practice your gameplay more and not get used to staying mid-range so you can help interrupt.

Lastly, I have yet to see a rogue grapple or a warrior leap to interrupt a mob that’s 20 yards away. It’s easy to sprint to the mob for better timing. Rets have steed so it’s the same.

By the time you cast grapple or leap and get to the mob the cast would have gone off. Those skills are not instant, there’s an animation to it. If you’re that good and can do that, you wouldn’t be on here crying about a possible TINY damage change on PTR.

Have a nice day.

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What does that have to do with ret allegedly whining???

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I think ret is in a reasonably fun state to play right now, probably more fun than most DPS classes.

I agree that Empyrean Hammers has been doing way too much of our damage, proportionately.

I agree that the compensatory buff to make up for the nerf to Empyrean Hammers isn’t adequate if the goal was to bring damage output to parity.

I am sad the buff still doesn’t do enough to bring Herald close to parity with Templar. It is sad when a marquee feature of an expansion is left to languish in the middle of the expansion.

I wish there was stronger differentiation in identity and use cases between the specs.

I remain a fervent believer that the DF talent system is woefully overwrought and an enormous source of chaos and troubles for the class design team while effectively providing no further meaningful customization than at any point in the game’s history.


My guy….Please read and comprehend my post before replying.



Right back at’cha.

DK inturupt is ranged right, it’s always been the largest range on an interrupt for melee. And they get three grips and a powerful spamlable slow, I’m not complaining so much as swapping to playing Frost DK.

You think mutliple graples or leap and charge are worse than steed for getting somewhere fast…ok, the Ret players should get that option to decide for themselves. If instant mobility is less of an advantage to use a melee inturupt than walking to the target, than why argue against improved Ret mobility?


If a class was “perfect” it would get nerfed. Ret is in a good spot, your not the weakest nor are you the strongest. I would take it anyday.

My guy…

I’ve already said…don’t nerf ret…just give all other melees Rets playstyle.

We can all have range abilities as melees, instant gap closure according to you and we all can shield, BOP and bubble ourselves.

The game will be World of Paladins where we will all have the same skills because its the most OP build.