Your self-perceived problems are not actual problems.
I would like to refer you to my previous post:
Your self-perceived problems are not actual problems.
I would like to refer you to my previous post:
See? There ya go.
Why even bother ask me to tell you what is “flawed with ret” when already your mindset is “self-perceived problems are not actual problems”?
This is why I stated…
So when you state that ret is perfect, my response is…
Ok so let’s take a look then, shall we?
Do you really want to go here? You’ve already shown your disdain for paladins. But I’m bored for now, so…
On live, I think we’re in a decent spot. On PTR, that might be a different story.
Authority of the Depths is more for single target. Stonebound Artistry is more for aoe.
There’s a reason why all high rated mythic plus ret paladins use authority of the depths for mythic plus
Of course our single target is lacking, all rets know this. But the majority of our fights is trash, thus why Stonebound is a good thing.
Now, what in the hell does this line of questioning have to do with rets being “perfect” as you’ve stated? Or that paladins have “self-perceived problems are not actual problems”?
Stay on track…
It seems as though most rets don’t understand how their class works
Wait, wait…
You’re telling everyone here that ret is “perfect”, YOUR words, because most paladins don’t know the class? That’s why ret is “perfect”???
That’s your “logic”???
Yes that is the basic gist of my statements:
Ret paladin when piloted properly performs much better than many other classes, very close to the top. Now, if you use the wrong talents, wrong embellishments, wrong gems, wrong rotation, of course you will not see good results on a ret paladin.
But that issue can be resolved by looking at a ret paladin guide and improving your gameplay
Oh Geezus!! And you wonder why most rets aren’t taking you seriously.
Dude, you’re amusing. You do you…
i was just making a statement regarding the proper playstyle of the class.
Dude, why are you still talking about this? You already made your point (misguided as it may be) about why ret is perfect.
You do you…
To be quite frank, I am entirely indifferent as to what the ret paladin players think of me or my statements.
I am saying these things to bring them to the attention of blizzard so that they don’t do any knee-jerk buffing of rets for no reason.
My point is that ret paladin, when played properly, performs much better than many classes (only performs slightly worse than frost DK and enhance shaman).
This is like a 1% difference and not even worth arguing about.
If someone is using the wrong enchants, wrong gems and wrong embellishments, do you think it is likely that they are performing their dps rotations perfectly?
That’s not a jump I’m going to make. Copying wowheads consumables guide for gems and enchants doesn’t somehow mean you know your class. Equally, deciding to buy cheaper gems/enchants because min maxing the final 1% isn’t worth it doesn’t mean you don’t know how to play.
But failure to do this easy and preliminary step is likely quite telling that the player hasn’t done any homework to learn how to play the rotation, correct?
And if a ret paladin player isn’t seeing good damage output because they don’t know the rotation, the player simply needs to learn the rotation - it doesn’t mean rets need a buff
This is not true at all.
You can do 4 attacks every 9 seconds, without being in melee you do not get Art of War resets, and you lose that HP generation, so this is also untrue.
The first part is correct, but you act like other specs are hard, especially the ones above Ret in terms of M+ DPS, Enhancement Shaman is not anymore difficult.
Defensives besides bubble are very weak, 20% for 8s is one of the worst in the game. SoV is on the GCD and only lasts 10s, it also doesn’t reduce damage, it’s just an absorb. Bubble is also on GCD.
Our AOE CC is on a long CD and has very little range.
Our interrupt went from being 10 yards to melee with no instant gap closer so if you are out of range, RIP.
The range of our AOE is also very limited, not sure what counts as nearby but I swear it feels like less than 5 yards. Having to aim DS while in a clump of mobs is irritating.
Everything is nerfed in PVP, pretty sure every single thing has a negative modifier, which makes Ret extremely hard to balance.
Ret is mid in raid, good in M+ and I’m not sure in PVP seems underwhelming outside of Solo/Blitz. We didn’t deserved to be nerfed by a few percent, and thats what this topic is about, stick to it.
Look you are both beautiful snowflakes, but as they say the grass is always greener on the other side. Paladins are in a good spot right now end of story. At the same time if your not focused on the top 1% who cares if you are using the best enchants and what not play with whatever you enjoy. I use a tanking gem in my DPS ring cause it helps my survival. Yes I’m throwing away some DPS to use it. No I don’t care about just a tiny bit more DPS. I’m not a hard core raider or top 1% I just focus on what I find to be fun.