How is Ret getting nerfed when it's MID?


So Blizz should just make Ret be the most OP class in the game for you to happy?

You have bubble and range abilities bro. You said a lot of classes have bubble and can dispel bubble?

Name all the classes that have something similar to two bubbles and name the classes that can dispel bubble twice please….

small list or NONE. I think none is the answer.

If you don’t make a list….your argument is worthless.

If you….want charge so bad….give up your range stun, your TWO bubbles, and your free builder and spender play style. Your offensive and defensive skills should cost resources that you need to manage. Your mana should deplete like rage, energy, runic power (runes).

How brain dead would it be to charge in, bubble, bubble again if it gets dispel and kill?

My guy is the most funniest person I know. I guess easy mode players wants easy mode kills too!

I don’t think you’ll like it because guess what….you have no idea how annoying it is to try and use something and not have the resource for it.

People play ret because it’s easy mode. You can mindlessly press builders with no repercussion and use your spender when you have enough holy power. Then guess what……your super strong passive abilities kick in….:joy:


A gap closer that an enemy has time cast a stun/fear/root/snare/slow/MC/incompasitate to stop or a script can automatically cast an stun to prevent is not on the top 90% of mobility options to close the distance. In pvp walking quicky while unaffected by all the CC that prevents it from functioning is ultra rare in combat, and Blessing of Freedom is dispellable and spellstealable.

News flash anyone can do the same thing to sprint. More at 11!

Please answer my above post!

Paladins won’t because it’s true!

Easy mode wants charge or blink to opponent so they can bubble and kill in any situation.

Jeez man!!! :man_facepalming:t4::man_facepalming:t4::man_facepalming:t4::man_facepalming:t4:

Yeah, sprint is like divine steed, except with less visually telegraphed notification to all enemies to send a cc that way. Now, are the typical enemies that you’d see in a battleground able to prevent blink with a stun casted after the blink… How about heroic leap, shadow step, shadow strike, pounce, lock gate, several spec teliports ect. Some specs get to have the movement, and then the enemy has to respond after the fact. Paladin is one of the specs where it tries to use its movement and enemies can prevent it from being used. If you feel that’s the way it should be that’s a fine opinion to have, but just say that. You can’t say that instant mobility is the same as non instant mobility and then get mad at paladins for wanting the same thing that almost everybody has. As a paladin, I might be able to hammer of justice, a charge or dash from a warrior or demon hunter, but I better be finger on the trigger, ready to cast that hammer of justice, or i’m gonna miss it. Steed traverses the same distance in much more time in comparison, so there’s more time that you can steal from the steed’s usefulness by stunning the paladin later. And then you have specs like shaman, where if they go underground to move where they want, you just can’t stop them, because they’re immune.

I only have one thing to say….

I didn’t answer your question because it’s ridiculous. Asking for mobility doesn’t make paladin damage good or it’s defensives dispelled less. Right now, paladin damage is atrocious on the PTR and on live. Paladins are asking for equally effective mobility because the class doesn’t have it. It happens to also have less than average damage(for pvp, supposedly, retribution damage on computer enemies is adequate).

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How fast you jump if you have to give up your immunities, mid range abilities and free builder / spender play style?

I’ll say it again. It’s too easy to charge in, bubble, bubble again if it gets dispel and kill.


I feel your opinion is tainted by being a rogue. Although you should know that you can keep a paladin stunned or disarmed longer than it needs to be to kill it without it being able to do anything, you cannot personally dispel all the paladin, defensives. However a lot of your teammates can. I wholeheartedly believe that if a non paladin is dying to a paladin, the non paladin made a mistake somewhere, or they were outnumbered. Because paladins lack the tools that I mentioned above, they are pretty reliant on their teams to play like teams to sure up some of the large weaknesses in the paladin design.

My guy…

Why you talking about TEAM FIGHTS now?

You remind me of my ex-gf.


All the topics that I’m discussing concerns pvp… all instanced pvp include teams. When I did M+ back in Shadowlands, Ret (and prot) mobility for the purposes of pve were perfectly fine. I never had any reason to ask for a mobility buff in pve or world content. If class or spec imbalance is a topic of discussion for me, it’s probably instanced pvp related.

You’ve gone off the trail my friend.

It still doesn’t make sense that you want to be THE STRONGEST class just to group PVP.

It’s pointless to discuss this further. Have a nice day.

I wouldn’t recommend changing the entire spec. What I would recommend is a choice node to completely drop steed, and instead gain a shadowstrike like ability applied to Blade of Justice. No more steed, so no more being told that I can’t have instant mobility because I have steed, and instead, I get brought to the target when I hurt them with Blade of Justice with some cool animation of me stabbing them with the sword instead of the sword coming out of the ground and going up the person’s dress.

For the reasons I mentioned above, a retribution paladin can often feel like one of the weakest specs. I’ve mentioned about 16 ways Retribution is weaker then many specs. I never asked for it to be one of the strongest specs. I’m asking for compensation for many weaknesses on the spec, and maybe one fewer weakness, lacking mobility.

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I said that’s fine….you can have your charge or blink.

You keep refusing to read how OVERPOWERED that’s going to be because you don’t want to accept the truth.

Thank you. When might I expect my new mobility? What are you planning on naming the ability?

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Its this wonderful new ability called Git Gud. When you use Git Gud you suddenly realise your class isn’t the dog water you think it is and learn to play with what your given. It’s a single use spell and has an infinate duration. You should try it some time.

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This thread is exactly why PvP needs to be a separate game. The balance will never work between PvE and PvP. There is just too many things to deal with, and most of the ideas I see PvP’ers complain about would make whatever class absolutely busted OP in PvE.

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Sensible point not targeting one person after 100+ replies.

I just want to hug you man, the world needs more of you.

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I love ret’s midrange gameplay tbh. Feels like we’re getting away with something.

I wish that the class wide buff otherwise applied to hero spec abilities. It seems crazy to me that one of the two hero specs will just remain undertuned. It makes one wonder what the point was.

I also wish they’d revisit the non-self-targeted WoG nerf. Being able to throw out strong WoGs to help smooth large damage events in M+ and occasionally save a pull has been a really fun part of gameplay as Ret for me this season.

I think I would rather see the mana cost for external WoGs increase so that we need to be more tactical about using them rather than devs apparently opting for “lol nah” when it comes to hybrid DPS healing. This sort of design decision making causes one to question what the point is of all the limp healing talents on the class side of the tree.

Just kidding we know the point is illusory customization and complexity to make players think they’re doing anything to meaningfully customize their characters at all. Nerfs to things like offhealing and seeming unconcern with even trying to bring hero specs close to parity or at least distinguishing them enough from one another to create real niches gives the lie to this.

We are all playing the same ret paladin. Most of us have probably settled into the wowhead “Raid Cleave” suggested build and not altered it much at all since.

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This isn’t true at all, and if spellwarding isn’t immuning fear, then that’s a bug.

Actually, lets just dispel the notion that its possibly bugged.