How is Ret getting nerfed when it's MID?

Funny. Because you (Ret) can get back into combat just as fast with steed and freedom…maybe even faster because you also have more survivability. AND you still have mid range abilities! Ret is just easy mode at the moment.

I am sorry for speaking the truth. I know some people can’t handle it. I don’t know much, but do know for a fact that Ret is EASY mode at the moment.

You mean like when you look at max profiles and ret’s sitting towards the top? Yeah, bud, like I said, it’s towards the top and not mid when you’re looking at max percentiles.

Again, ret’s fine. If you think not then you’re just being either bad at the spec or you’re being jealous about something else.

Ret has some of the highest burst in this game, too. Maybe not the highest, but some of the highest. The nerf hammer comes for everyone.

Again, go look at the logs and go put your Mythic raiding into top percentiles, aka max percentiles then look at the fights. Most of them have Ret towards the top and in the overall profile, too, Ret is sitting pretty at 3rd on the logs.

90th, 95th, and 99th aggregated percentiles for mythic raid are all showing ret as mid. Max shows ret higher, but I’ve already explained that max percentile makes no sense and is putting per boss dps higher than any singular parse available.


You’re wasting your brain cells on that one. They certainly think they’re better than the rest of us.


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Do you even understand to hit those “max” damage profiles you are doing things that aren’t normally done, like devoting all the adds to one person, ignoring mechanics, getting all external buffs. They are also just not correct, the “max” statistics has Ret doing 3.3m DPS to Ulgrax yet the top Ret in rankings is only doing 2.2m. “Max” is meaningless data.

You look at 90 or 95, those people are pushing their buttons and know how to play the game, you go higher and people are getting externals or doing foolish things, go lower and they aren’t even playing the game correctly.

Heroic/Normal become increasingly meaningless as everyone gets gear because bosses die in 30s, 1m, you can’t balance around that.

Ret is 100% a mid spec in raid, you can try and use whatever worthless data you want to try and prove otherwise but you’re just wrong.

The entire purpose of this post was to bring light to the fact we got a nerf while they were trying to redistribute our damage, they weren’t even trying to nerf us it was just a miscalculation. Getting our 2% damage back is not going to make ret OP or anything of the sort, so I don’t get why I have people like you in here arguing about nonsense.


ret is midpack in raids but for m+ its a meta pick

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How many are getting used in the great push? Or even keys north of 15?

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its one of the only ones being used past 13s in large numbers most groups at the high end are doing evoker shammy and fill in 20s I only see one but in 15s they still make up a decent amount of timed keys

Well, at high keys DK>RET, not because DK does more damage, its because AMZ/AMS/Mass GRIP are required.

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And balance too, similar story, ret dominates mid keys but cannot keep up at top keys, if you nerf around mid level then top levels become even less diverse!

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ret is good in casual keys, not really the meta pick due to multiple options like dk and boomie. its just telling when people claim ret is “meta” when its not

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Templar was a pretty absurd 15% ahead on live when I simmed it against Herald. Even a 5% buff to non-hero spec abilities included, Templar will still be well ahead of Herald in 11.1, barring any additional changes. Dumb, dumb, dumb. What was the point in doing all that design if it wasn’t going to be any real choice lol?

I’m bummed they’re nerfing non-self-targeted WoGs. At least at lower gear levels, I found throwing those around in dungeon runs would make a difference, but of course the devs get frightened any time one of the roles veers at all out of its lane. It was less of an advantage as gear improved and we went much more heavily into mastery, which has no healing benefit, but I was curious how a heavy crit/vers build might do when it came to healing. Not anymore though, lol!

What’s the point of all these dumb talents if we can’t actually do anything interesting with them? Smoke and mirrors. Deluxe pizzas for everyone, and no actual variety.

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And we need to stop being that… we are in plate armor and weild giant maces/axes/swords. We ought to be using them on ppl’s faces more then just swinging in mid air…

So blizz instant gap closure when? We can afford to lose some range and put fv back into melee range…

Sure we can trade our extremely counterable a dispellable defensives for none-dispellable ones that other classes have. Would love to have the passive health regen warriors has.

I think so too.

It’s not passive. We simply have more wrath hammer tossing and free divine purposes to spend instead of a one time hammer of light usage after wake with building up for another free one later.

He is whining that 80% of ret spells is not melee on a class labeled melee. We can afford to lose some range if they give us an instant gap closer.

It’s a 4% MINIMUM nerf in AoE situations. I’d have to do some math to get the single target, but I’d assume roughly a 2% nerf.

Is it that bad grand scheme of things? Not really. Is it a bad trade off? 100%.

You want to nerf EHammer and balance out the DPS w/ other abilities you might want to do a 6% or 7% buff to Wake of Ashes, Blade of Justice, and Judgment, and keep EH nerf of 30% and the remaining abilities keep at that 5% buff.

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Why do you need gap closer when you have mid range abilities? You have your steed which is a gap closer. Instant gap closer isn’t all that when there’s a mechanic that will kill you immediately if you charge in. You can have instant gap closer if other melees can have bubble.

With that selfish thinking….i hope blizz makes it that when a ret enters a dungeon or raid, everything instantly gets cleared giving Rets BiS gear. :roller_skate::roller_skate:

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Why don’t you reread my post. I do not think we should have so much long range skills. I beleive the class labeled melee, should be mainly a melee class.

Most ranged classes AND melee classes have instant mobility. Paladin is one of the very few that do not. If your argument that Ret cant have instant mobility because of its medium range, longer ranges specs surely should not have instant mobility by your logic. So no more blink on mage, no more teliport on MW, no more disengage on hunter, ect ect ect.

Actual logic dictates not all specs need to have the same tools. Ret may never have MS, Knockbacks, Mass dispell(or even a good single target dispell), disarm, invisability, the ability to teliport enemies… but maybe some compensation buffs if Paladin cannot have the above could be directed at mobility, durability, self healing(not for Holy Paladin) as those parts of Paladin are lacking. Spending 5 talent points on Steed just to die in a fear(Yay, I’m running fast in the wrong direction!) when you use Steed will always feel bad. All the melee have instant mobility to get back on target after a fear, except Paladin and Enhancement Shaman.


If you read my original post. I don’t want Ret nerf. I want all classes buff to be equal to paladins.

Your argument doesnt really make sense in that you consider disengage and blink instant mobility. You also said most range and melee classes have instant mobility which is not true. Please list the classes with instant mobility?

It is however true that all classes have some sort of mobility skill. Only rogues with shadow step and warrior if you count charge are instant mobility.

You already have your steed which you can point and aim like all other classes. Back to disengage and blink….they’re not instant mobility lol. You have to point and use the skill which doesn’t always land you where you wanna go. Your steed you can control and you have freedom. That’s two mobility skills that when combine is more than all other classes. You also have mid-range abilities and can stun someone that’s 10 yards away as a melee. That’s super OP if you ask me. Range stun with range builders and spenders.

Plus you have the most powerful skill available-bubble. You have two bubbles to be exact. No other class can bubble hearth. Don’t forget your lay on hands. Instant full HP.

Paladins are spoil and want everything. Let’s call the game “World of Paladins”


Get more than 0 honorable kills and come back and let me know how you feel.

If you dont think blink is instant mobility thats a you problem. Is Alter Time also not instant movement? Shadowstrike and Death from Above (removed)in addition to Shadowstep?

Disengage can benefit from being aimed but doesn’t require a target or aiming. It happens if pressed and if a CC doesnt land on the Hunter immediately, crosses a shorter distance at a higher speed than Steed, and for PVP hunters can have Bursting Shot also have a Disengage effect. When people say instant mobility it includes lock gates and teliports, dashes, but also mobility that is almost instant. The phrase instant mobility doesnt apply to mild run speed increases. Maybe paladin defensives would be strong, if they were not constantly dispelled, were not very visually telegraphed, had long cooldowns, and apply Forbearance. Using BoP puts BoSpellwarding on cooldown for 4 or 5 min and vise versa for crying out loud.


Are we trying to pretend that bop/spell warding aren’t strong?