So now you play on EU, but posting on and scouring US forums?
Hahahah. OMG!
You’re one of those guys who keeps lying even after they’re caught red handed.
I’m done talking to someone with room temperature IQ.
So now you play on EU, but posting on and scouring US forums?
Hahahah. OMG!
You’re one of those guys who keeps lying even after they’re caught red handed.
I’m done talking to someone with room temperature IQ.
I’ve been called worse things, whatever makes you sleep better tonight
It’s not an instant gap closer and is extremely counterable by every class in the game.
It’s litterally memish when a paladin gets feared while steed is active.
A true gap closer also makes sure your get to your target INSTANTLY, and is not freeform movement booast like with shadowstep, charge, death grip. They are not easily countered
not every class needs this…
if you don’t like the tools that the paladin class gives you, just play a rogue or dk for shadowstep and death grip, right?
Funny, it seems 90% of the melee classes in game has it and every caster has a method to kite any melee that don’t.
Know what every class don’t need? Range with the class label as melee, constructed with talents that supports melee play.
90% of the melee classes in the game dont have 20-40 yard range on all of their abilities
40 yard range is just Auras if talented wrong to get that option right? HoW and Judgment are 30 yards. WoA, Rebuke, Crusader Strike, BoJ, Searing Glare, HoL, are all below 20 yards. You are correct about one thing, it is easier to have uptime on target as DK with 3 grips, ranged inturupts, spamable slows, some slows that can be talented to be 4 second roots. Paladin in pvp where it matters, has 0 roots, a Blind that removes DoTs from enemies, Repentance is inturupted, Searing Glare is inturupted, a worse steed with 6 talent points than DK with 2, and no grips, and no defense to fear for itself outside of casting Sanctuary when not feared to hope to benefit from a duration in fear reduction, and Divine Shield.
The Right answer is to play Frost DK if you want to play something similar to Retribution(builder spender plate class w/o instant mobility), but better.
Yes, if you don’t enjoy your class, the correct answer is to find a new one
Oh yeah, I’m coming around with DK for 11.1. It is looking good
Congratulations, friend.
I tortured my share of priests in DF for a few weeks as Blood, but Frost wasn’t in a good spot for DF and MM was too good not to play for most of DF. Didn’t give in and reroll to leave Ret behind until Ret was hot fixed nerfed and nerfed for 5 weeks following 10.0.7 release. Learning I could still complain on the forums, while no one was forcing me to play a spec I felt was weak, was an important growth moment for me.
glad to hear it
Dude, you’re wasting brain cells debating with him. He’s the same guy that said paladins are perfect.
I’m gonna give you the same sage advice you gave me when I’ve debated with others…
Walk away. It’s not worth it. Nothing you say will change his mind.
Lol. Paladins (or I suppose Retadins, specifically) are never beating the allegations of being the braindead spec for babies with a hero complex.
It’s a shame, because I know of a few paladin mains in game that are reasonable adults. But now that I think about it, those guys are usually prot or holy. And it certainly doesn’t help that 90% of the spec’s online presence is them whining nonstop.
Ya know, you might be right, they are not reading the whole post if they keep harping on ret’s having range…
Judgment is a ranged spell
Final verdict is ranged
Blade of justice is ranged
Divine storm is ranged
The literal only thing you can’t do from range is auto attack.
Rets don’t need more mobility, they have 20 yard range and two charges of divine steed.
(I’d also like to point out that rets only have four core rotational spells)
Who cares what people say on level 50 or 70 characters, they aren’t even playing the game, their opinions are irrelevant.
Lets get back to the topic, Ret received a nerf while being EH was being “adjusted” it needs to be corrected.
well this one is a bit of a stretch
the point of ret range is to make ret not feel as bad when its out of range, you should get to your target as fast as possible, but instead of being locked out for 1-2 seconds you can use any generator or spender until you get to your target.
its not encouraging ret to stay range, it just lessens the blow of being forced away from your target
which is why ret does not need any further mobility.